Saturday, June 20, 2020

Chilly Cloudy First Day Of Summer On A Wichita Bluff Bench

Spring roared out like a lion late Friday afternoon, with a sudden drenching downpour with a few minutes of thunder booming.

I was not under cover when the rain began to drench. This resulted in me discovering I can still run fast when properly motivated.

I had three instances of running fast through a downpour yesterday, resulting in some aching muscles today, on the first day of summer.

So, with muscles aching, and hours to go before Trump's Bizarro Tulsa Debacle, I drove to the Wichita Bluff Nature Area, this first 2020 summer morning, to commune with nature and have some relaxing time swinging on that bench you see at the end of a spur trail off the main trail which trails through the Wichita Bluff Nature Area.

As you can see via the bench photo documentation the Wichita Bluff Nature Area is looking like a green jungle on this first day of summer.

I forgot to mention, this first day of summer is relatively chilly, not even in the low 80s when I did my nature communing.

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