Saturday, April 25, 2020

Wichita Falls Lucy Park Suspension Bridge Coronavirus Lock Down

Feeling the need to commune with nature, whilst vertical in the old-fashioned way, as in walking, not biking, this final Saturday of the 2020 version of April, I used my motorized motion device to drive to Lucy Park to join others escaping social isolation whilst still maintaining a safe distance.

Swaying across the Lucy Park suspension bridge over the Wichita River I came upon this symbol of our current locked down status, locked near the middle of the bridge.

There were two other locks joining the lock you see here, symbolically six feet apart, I think. I did not have a tape measure with me and so had to guess the distance.

As you can see the Wichita River is currently featuring my favorite shade of reddish brown, which always reminds me of the redrock zones of Utah.

I am not totally certain, but I have reason to believe the Wichita Falls Public Library is going to re-open on Monday, while requiring those in search of books to be masked and to maintain the six foot distancing rule.

I am desperate for new reading material. When I finish my last remaining piece of reading material all I have left is three of those awful 50 Shades of Gray books my sister Jackie gave me when I was desperate for reading material when I was in Arizona. I made it part way through the first of those books a couple years ago, appalled while doing so, thinking how can this be a publishing phenomenon, with multiple books and movies?

Anyway, it was nice to go for a long walk on this last Saturday of April. Perfect temperature of 70. Soon it will be too hot for a mid day walk to be pleasant...

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