Monday, April 20, 2020

Puget Sound Kayaking With Deer Tacoma Trio

Incoming email last night from Washington. Specifically incoming from the Tacoma Trio and their parental units from Harstine Island in the south zone of Puget Sound.

That photo above documents a beautiful sunset on Harstine Island's north beach. In the shadowy sunset it was slightly difficult to identify the beachcombers, but I am fairly certain that is Ruby on the left, mama Kristin next to Ruby, with David between mama Kristin and Theo, on the far right.

When last I heard from sister Michele she had ordered a kayak as her happy birthday present to herself. Since then, which is about a week ago, apparently that new birthday kayak arrived.

Actually, judging by the below photo two kayaks arrived.

That looks to be Theo on the left, with mama Michele on the right. Can you see how crystal clear the water is?

It seems everyone was having such a mighty fine time with the two kayaks that it was decided that everyone needed to be kayaked, so three more kayaks were ordered, and arrived, so all can now be on the water at once.

That would be Ruby closest to you, then David, then Theo, ready to shove off to float the wild waves of Puget Sound.

Again, can you see how crystal clear the water is?

It looks like David and Ruby are playing bumper kayaks, whilst Theo makes a clean escape.

Long ago I had an inflatable kayak. It was fun. I do not remember if that kayak made the move to Texas, to be replaced by another inflatable. But I do clearly remember my last inflatable watercraft was not the kayak.

Since the Tacoma Trio has been social distancing on Harstine Island they have made friends with the herd of Harstine Island deer. Well, more accurately, Ruby and Theo have been adopted by the herd, whilst David remains leery of having close contact with wild animals of that sort.

Above we see Ruby having her morning visit with two of her deer friends. I do not know if Ruby has named them yet, or not.

It is only a matter of time til Ruby totally tames a deer or two and has them joining her and Raven for the nightly slumber time.

We are closing in on the time I have long expected to be in Washington. That is looking increasingly unlikely, unless the world changes for the better soon...

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