Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Coronavirus Strikes Close To Home In Tacoma

Overnight the Coronavirus nightmare has struck closer to home, well, a home I have stayed in.

In Tacoma.

A couple days ago I emailed David, Theo and Ruby's mama, who also is my little sister, Michele, and asked, among many other questions...

Has Tacoma closed any schools? I saw on Facebook pics from Chris Sampson of the run on water and toilet paper at the Covington Costco. Why those two items? I don't get it.

To which Michele replied, in part, with...

So far, school is open in Tacoma. Kristin is busy as lots of doctors are freaked out. Understandably so, especially if they are in a high risk group. We stocked up on TP in case we were quarantined for two weeks. Do you know how much toilet paper the five of us would go through if we were all home 24 hours a day?!? We also stocked up on groceries  Water, that I don’t understand. Side note: I may have already told you - Ruby had a thing at Mercer Island high school last Saturday. Boys and I watched her thing then ran up to Bellevue Square and that’s where we were when my phone let me know the first death was in Kirkland. That was a bit unsettling, to be so close.

For those not familiar with the geography, Bellevue Square is a downtown Bellevue mall. The next town north of Bellevue is Kirkland, made famous by Costco, and the past few days for being the epicenter of the Coronovirus outbreak in Washington, with the Kirkland outbreak mainly in a Kirkland nursing home.

And then last night incoming email from Michele with the current Tacoma status...

Our school is closed for the rest of the week. Parent of a kid in Theo’s class tested positive. Wanna come babysit?!?  So at this point, it just feels like we are just waiting to be told to stay home.  The governor is weighing options to enforce “social distancing”, one Tacoma elementary school is already closed because a staff member tested positive, one of my colleagues is at home with the main symptoms, waiting to hear from her doctor.  The clubhouse at the beach cabin is closed due to fears of the virus.  Kristin has no face to face meetings now, everything is done over the phone.  All the local colleges are doing online only classes.  It seems like it isn’t whether we will be at home for a while, but when it will start.  So very odd. 

I dunno, does it sound like a good idea currently to get on a plane to fly north to Tacoma to have myself a mighty fine time babysitting the Tacoma Trio? I am conflicted. I've not been back to Washington in March since way back in, I think, 2000, when I remember watching the new Mariner ballpark under construction.

Anyway, thought it interesting to share this report from one of the American frontlines in the battle against the Coronovirus pandemic.

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