Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Iceman Cometh Blizzarding North Texas

Looking out my office window this morning I can barely see across the street to the Texas Lone Star flag, drooping, due to likely being frozen stiff, barely visible through the white blizzard currently covering almost everything in the outer world a bright white.

Two days ago, on Monday, I was in Walmart, surprised at how crowded the grocery part of the store was, with some shelves being stripped of goods.

I asked what was going on to be told people were stocking up because of the Winter Storm Warning.

And then, last night, whilst suffering through the litany of lies which currently passes for being a State of the Union address, the crawl across the bottom of the screen was informing of various closures, already scheduled for today, for the Winter Storm event which had not yet arrived.

I guess the locals know, from experience, to take these type warnings serious. And to plan ahead.

Back in my old home zone in the Puget Sound part of Washington, it was only after the snow actually arrived that we would eagerly listen to the radio, usually KBRC, to learn if school was going to be late, or cancelled.

I likely will not be leaving my abode today. I did not stock up on anything when I was in Walmart with all those emergency shoppers.

I have sufficient supplies, I think, to survive until the thaw arrives...

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