Friday, December 13, 2019

Heavenly Creator Wichita Bluff Holiday Decoration

With the outer world not being even remotely close to being frightful, instead being mighty close to being delightful I stuck a ham in the oven, loaded my bike onto the truck's bed and rolled my motorized motion device to the Wichita Bluff Nature Area to have some endorphin inducing aerobic stimulation.

My current attempt to get myself in shape for Moab mountain biking and Washington mountain climbing seems to be progressing slowly to being at a level of being able to maintain high energy motion for an extended period of time.

Today found new additions to the Circle Trail section of the Wichita Bluff Nature Area in the form of decorations hung from trees and bushes. Such as what you see above, hanging above the latest iteration of the Wichita Bluff Hoodoo installation.

When I first saw the Hoodoo decoration I figured it was a one time thing. I was soon disabused of that notion as I rolled along seeing various iterations of holiday type decorations decorating the trail.

I assumed these are environmentally friendly bio-degradable art objects. The above white rose looks to have been made from paper on which some words had been typed. Eventually I came to a white snowflake on which I could make out some of the words.

But before I got to that snowflake I found what looked like a poinsettia bloom.

This large poinsettia bloom is attached to an evergreen tree of some sort. You can see the Circle Trail in the background.

And here we have that aforementioned white snowflake on which some words can be read. Words like "Heavenly Creator".  That's the only one I can remember. I already deleted the large version of this photo so no further word retrieval, other than my feeble memory, is available.

So, that was nice seeing the Wichita Bluffs getting into the holiday spirit today...

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