Monday, November 25, 2019

Liberal Lunatics Body Slam Pudgy Putnam

A month or so ago I found myself blogging about a Futile Right Wing Trumpist's Boot Kay Granger Attempt.

At that point in time all I knew about this potential Kay Granger booter was what I read on his campaign announcement in which he proudly vowed to stand with Trump, protect our border and defend the sanctity of innocent life, because Kay Granger has not done these things.

And now in the past several days for some reason Facebook has been showing me multiple posts about this guy's effort to stand with Trump via his "absolutely epic campaign kickoff."

I do not know why Facebook was showing me this, but I found it amusing. I looked at the myriad photos of those attending this campaign kickoff and what came to mind was it looked like the sorts who attend one of those Trump rally's. Only better dressed, and not topped with red MAGA hats. But still a bit crazy looking.

Then I clicked on a link in one of those posts which took me to this guy's Facebook "PUTNAM for Texas" page.

I was a bit startled as soon as the page loaded to see the profile photo, which you see above, and thinking to myself why would this right wing nutjob be posing with what looks to be a drag queen? Then I saw the guy on the far right and realized that this was no drag queen, that this is Donald Trump Jr.'s mistress, Kimberly.

Yes, I know it is extremely rude to suggest she looks like a drag queen, but that was the thought which first occurred to me, and due to the fine example of our Dear Leader and his pseudo conservative enablers, it is now perfectly normal to make comments like that, following the ill-mannered examples of Trump.

I scrolled down the page a bit and soon found the source photo of Pudgy Putnam's Facebook page.

Again, I realize it used to be considered really rude to label someone something like "Pudgy". But, like I said, this is the new accepted norm, due to the fine example of our Dear Leader. And pudgy was the word which came to mind when I saw a photo of the guy.

The text accompanying this pair of photos is interesting...

Don Jr. and I shared a big high-five for body slamming the liberal lunatics on "The View" earlier in the week. Don and Kimberly were excited to see Jack there so he got called back for his own pic without mom and dad. Trump is to Jack what Reagan was to me.

Yeah, that really was quite something seeing Don Jr. body slamming those annoying liberal lunatics, including John McCain's daughter, on The View.

Again, bragging about doing something like body slamming someone, whilst mislabeling them as "lunatic liberals" is totally okay in our current world, thanks to the enlightened leadership of our Dear Leader.

And then I came to the next photo with still more amusing text...

Waiting to meet Don Jr. and Kimberly. Jack is pumped. Raise them right friends.

Now, I read the above and honestly wondered to myself what does it take for CPS to intervene to save a child from exposure to a cult of clueless fanatics?

Continuing to scroll down this Facebook page I decided to copy out the text of some of the posts for your amused reading pleasure, giving you a good inkling of the high quality thinking of this challenger to Kay Granger for the 12th District Representative seat, followed by a comment, if the motivation to do so, strikes me....

There is zero doubt that the TX 12th is hungry for unapologetic, principled conservative representation in Washington DC. Come join us. Kay Granger started as a Democrat, and still acts like one. Siding with Pelosi on bailouts, Obama on amnesty, and refusing to stand with President Trump, she's become a stranger to us.

Yes, everyone likes their conservative representation to be unapologetic and principled. It is like it goes without saying, yet somehow nowadays seems to rarely occur. Principled conservative? Nowadays that is what is appropriately known as an oxymoron.

President Trump's leadership has led to a significant reduction in illegal border crossings, but the issue of drug trafficking remains. Democrats in Congress need to return their focus to securing the border and ending the ongoing crisis.

One can not deny giving Trump credit for getting that wall built along the southern border. And having Mexico pay for it. Now we must figure out how to stop the Mexicans from so easily bulldozing through the world's first Medieval wall built since the Dark Ages of long ago.

Last week, the American people learned that the Democrats don't have a case against President Trump. Nonetheless, they are continuing this pointless witch hunt. Join me in telling them to end the impeachment sham by adding your name now!

Those wily Democrats should be ashamed of themselves. Having diplomats and ambassadors confirm that Trump was colluding with the new Ukrainian government to get the Ukrainians to announce their government was launching an investigation into Biden. It is just like that Russian hoax, accusing Trump of colluding with the Russians to get dirt on Hillary Clinton. How can the Democrats be so un-American as to think it is somehow an impeachable offense for the president to withhold aid unless a foreign government does his bidding? What a shameful sham case those Democrats have mounted. By now everyone should accept that Trump totally tells the truth in matters such as this.

The Left sees President Trump's conservative, America First agenda as a threat. That's why they're doing everything they can to stop him, including impeachment! We need strong conservative voices in Congress to stand by the President and help advance his agenda.

What an insight! The un-American Left thinks the Trump disaster must be stopped.

It is not just the Left. It is pretty much most of the educated, informed, intelligent humans on the planet who sees Trump's agenda as an existential threat. Even some former Republicans, such as actual conservative stalwart, George Will. And others.

Under Pelosi and the Democrats, this Congress will be remembered for doing more to avenge President Trump's election than working for the American people. It's time for the impeachment sham to end so the real issues can be addressed.

Yeah, it's all about avenging President Trump's election. It has nothing to do with anything remotely rising to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors. What's a little bribery or extortion? No big deal. It's not a high crime and misdemeanor like lying about an office affair with an intern. Or covering up a break-in of the DNC headquarters. Or wanting to go easy on the defeated states of the confederacy.

All Trump did was collude with a foreign government to smear a political opponent, whilst using withholding aid to bribe that foreign government to do so. The Democrats should be ashamed of themselves for thinking something obviously innocent like this is an impeachable offense..

There were multiple comments to these posts on the Pudgy Putman Facebook page. I will just copy one of the more amusingly wrongheaded ones...

Susan Whitehead: We must really know who the people we vote for are. Are they true conservatives? Conservative financially, ethically, morally, politically? Our country needs to return to the constitution and the republican form of government it outlines or we are going to become a socialist/communist nation, then there will be no place to go to live free.

Whitehead? Is that really someone's name? Susan is totally correct. We really must know who we vote for. Real conservatives. Not a budget busting, deficit exploding, bankrupting, amoral, lying, cheating, porn star boinking, poorly educated, inarticulate buffoon, but a real true conservative of the Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower type. Or even another Nixon would be a good thing at this point. No one ever described Nixon as being a dumb moron.

If Susan wants to continue to live free after America becomes a socialist communist nation there are multiple democratic socialist nations in the world she can move to.

Like Sweden. Or France. Or Germany. Or Denmark. Or Norway. Or our conveniently located neighbor to the north, Canada.  I hope Susan gets the point and can quit worrying...

1 comment:

  1. Photo of Kay Granger & her pal Donald J. Trump the elder

    Photo is from Kay Granger's Twitter account
