Thursday, November 21, 2019

Jason & Cindy & Tina Solve Paris Love Locks Melon Mysteries

A couple days ago I blogged about Wichita Bluff Nature Area Mysterious Oddities, with those mysterious oddities being some unexplained locks and melons.

We now have been provided, from multiple sources, solutions to these two mysteries. A comment from someone named Anonymous solved the melon mystery with a link to a Wikipedia article...

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Wichita Bluff Nature Area Mysterious Oddities":

It's a gourd called Cucurbita foetidissima. Good for throwing at your sister when playing in the field.

The first paragraph of the Wikipedia article about this Cucurbita melon...

Cucurbita foetidissima is a tuberous xerophytic plant found in the central and southwestern United States and northern Mexico. It has numerous common names, including: buffalo gourd, calabazilla, chilicote, coyote gourd, fetid gourd, fetid wild pumpkin,[1] Missouri gourd,[1] prairie gourd, stinking gourd, wild gourd, and wild pumpkin. The type specimen was collected from Mexico by Humboldt and Bonpland sometime before 1817.

As for the mystery of those locks.

 It was a comment from Miss Tina, on Facebook, which first provided a solution to the lock mystery.

And then this morning a photo collage from my FNJ (Favorite Nephew Jason) and my Favorite Ex-Sister-In-Law, (FESILL Cindy also solving the mystery with a photo of Jason and Cindy in Paris, along with a link to a CNN article about the Pont de Arts bridge in Paris, which is what you see Jason and Cindy standing on in that photo collage at the top..

The comments on Facebook which first shed a light on this lock mystery...

Miss Tina: Perhaps Wichita Fallians have aspirations of their own Pont des Arts. I think you've written before of Texans' fondness of being the [whatever] of Texas. So, they want to be the Paris of Texas? You know, the Paris, France of Texas, not the Paris, Texas of Texas.

Durango Jones: Miss Tina, I had hoped you would come through, per usual, and you did not disappoint. I vaguely remembered locks or something on a bridge or wall, but I could remember was the gum wall in Seattle's Pike Place, which I have never seen, cuz it has become a thing since I was last wandering around that location. I think I have an old lock around this place somewhere, so I can try and contribute to Wichita Falls becoming the Paris of Texas...

Miss Tina: Paris removed the locks in 2015 because the weight of them was hazardous to the bridge. However, I can see that WF has a long way to go before that would happen. Be sure to put a love note (to Texas ... hahah!) on your lock.

So, there you go, two mysteries solved.

This was going to be a much longer blog post due to an additional subject regarding McDonald's Happy Meals, but I ran into a complication with McDonald's requiting the need to solve a problem.

I do not enjoy solving Happy Meal problems...

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