Friday, October 11, 2019

Walk By Wichita Falls Trash Can Art Thinking About Fort Worth's Waste

Many a time when I walk the Wichita Falls Circle Trail I will see trash cans which will remind me of Fort Worth's Homage to an Aluminum Trash Can.

That Fort Worth Trash Can cost $1 million and sits at the center of an un-finished eyesore of a roundabout which sits near the un-finished eyesore of a couple unfinished bridges which have been stuck in slow motion construction mode for years, over dry land.

As I walked past the trash can you see here, after stopping to take a photo of it, I pondering blogging about the absurdity of the Trinity River Vision Panther Island Boondoggle thinking federal money should be funneled to Fort Worth to pay for their ill-considered, ineptly engineered pseudo public works project.

As in how can it look good to those handling the federal purse strings to have this project begging for money when it is not all that hard to find out what the Boondogglers have already wasted money on?

Such as failed Wakeboard Parks. The aforementioned Homage to an Aluminum Trash Can, river cruises, music festivals, junkets, high salaries. The list goes on and on.

And I am getting to be so senile I forget I have already opined about the absurdity of thinking federal funds will arrive when so much money has already been wasted, with little to show for the wasting.

Well, there is that Trash Can work of art, those bridge ruins, and J.D. Granger's expanded waist line providing some evidence of where the money has gone.

So, I searched the blog to see when last I mentioned the Homage to an Aluminum Trash Can to find that senility concern arise when I saw it was just last month I posted Anonymous Wondering About Fort Worth Boondoggle Spending Million Bucks On Trash Can Homage.

And in that post I copied the content of an email which elaborated on that which my senile self was repeating above. That email is worth repeating, and so I will do so...

We all thought what you had to say about the Panther Island project having trouble getting federal funding was right on the mark. Particularly on the mark was your saying "Yes, it does not take much common sense to see that it probably does not look good to those handling the federal purse strings that at the same time a town is begging for federal funds the town is holding Rockin' the River Happy Hour Inner Tubes Floats, and starting up a bizarre river boat cruise line to sail the polluted river. Among additional nonsense. Done any wakeboarding at Cowtown Wakepark lately?"

Sometimes it seems your blog is the only honest reporting about the Panther Island project and all its problems. In the past you've asked how much money was spent on that Wakepark failure. Spending money on that type thing can not possibly look good to those in Washington who are responsible for doling out federal funds. 

Another thing you could have mentioned which seems wasteful for a project asking for outside help is the million dollars spent on what some say looks like a giant cheese grater, and you have referred to as an homage to an aluminum trash can. Why would a million dollars be spent on such a thing for a project not adequately funded?

This blog post has already gone long, and I have not gotten around to mentioning the main thing I wanted to talk about, that being a blog post from a few days ago which has gone sort of viral, and to which an interesting Anonymous comment was made, which I have not published, due to the person making the Anonymous comment suggesting I not do so, but that I might want to blog about it, removing that which might not be appropriate to publish. I am assuming the Anonymous person made the Anonymous comment rather than send an email due to that wanting to be Anonymous thing.

It's almost way too much for a borderline senile person, such as myself, to process...

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