Thursday, September 26, 2019

Throwback Thursday To Mom's Final McDonald's Cheeseburger

Since this is Thursday I guess this can qualify as one of those "Throwback Thursday" things.

I had not managed to talk to sister Jackie since mom joined dad, last Friday, until yesterday, when I called and asked if sister Jackie wanted to ride to ALDI with me.

This was the first conversation in years during which one of the primary subjects was not something worrisome to do with our parental units.

I mentioned to Jackie that I'm having a little trouble adjusting to the new family reality, that I had had myself thinking I was returning to Arizona in November, during the Thanksgiving time frame, to help take care of things, and to be there at the same time as my Tacoma relatives, Michele, Kristin, David, Theo and Ruby.

I told Jackie that my last time talking to mom was a bit poignant. Sister Michele had texted me, telling me mom was being lucid, thus a good time to call. I think this was the Sunday before mom's final Friday. I called and managed to talk to mom for a couple minutes.

Mom managed to ask her usual "When are you coming back for a visit?" question. I replied that I think I will be there in November, around Thanksgiving. Mom replied that this will be soon, or something like that.

After I told Jackie this she tried to think of what had been the last conversation she had with mom, before Jackie and Jack left for Nevada at the start of mom's final week.

And then Jackie remembered.

It was the Saturday visiting mom before heading west. Mom was not wanting to eat anything. Had basically shut down on the eating thing. Jackie asked mom is there was anything she wanted to eat that she would like, anything at all.

Mom replied "A cheeseburger and fries."

Jackie replied "I will be right back."

Jackie then scooted to the nearest McDonald's and soon returned with a bag of cheeseburgers and fries.

Mom took several burger bites, seemed to be enjoying it. Along with a few fries. And was sort of smiling as she was enjoying what was to be her last McDonald's cheeseburger.

Jackie quickly realized this needed to be photo documented, hence the photo at the top, mom holding her last McDonald's cheeseburger....

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