Thursday, September 19, 2019

Panther Island Runs Out of Money With No Construction Completed

Of late the Fort Worth Star-Telegram articles about America's Dumbest Boondoggle, also known as the Trinity River Central City Uptown Panther Island District Vision, have been skewing to being more like actual news articles than blatant propaganda.

The latest example of this is an article titled Panther Island at risk of running out of money; project faces delay.

Now, this article is still a typical Star-Telegram article, in that it is not any sort of a piece of investigative journalism, seeking facts and truth, and is still pretty much a propaganda piece. But, still, these type articles are closer than the Star-Telegram has come in years previous to reporting in an honest way that which has become one GIANT mess of a Boondoggle.

This latest Star-Telegram article about the Boondoggle, at last look, has generated only one comment. It is an on point comment...

Pat Richardson: I am less than impressed with the most excuse ridden public works project to which I have ever been directly exposed. The partisan attitudes and influences on the multiple problems are obvious even though the local elected officials involved are "non-partisan." Any federal monies are subject to the whims of an incompetent POTUS who uses emergency powers to pay for his arrogance. The Republicans got who they voted for; the Democrats are stuck with them; those who could have but did not vote deserve this mess.

The Star-Telegram's Bud Kennedy posted the Panther Island at risk of running out of money; project faces delay on Facebook, where multiple comments worth repeating were posted...

 Judy Alter: It's a no-win situation. Can't be finished, can't be abandoned because it's a huge scar on he city. Thanks to the Granger family for all they do for Fort Worth--not!

Pam Mosher Sorrells: Boondoggle...waste of time and money

Cathy Smith: The city needs to throw in the towel. The Honorable Kay Granger needs to stop using federal funds/projects for the gainful employment if her son. Isn't that a conflict if interest. The city of fort worth should shop out the entire project for private development. It will still cost the taxpayers billions and they will never reap the economic "rewards".

Tricia Fennell Gilbertson: Granger and Price are not good for Fort Worth. That money could have done so much more. Now it will be an abandoned project.

Marcelle LeBlanc: Tricia Fennell Gilbertson the mayor has nothing to do with that mess. It’s all the Grangers.


And then last night an incoming email pointed me to another article in another publication about America's Dumbest Boondoggle. The article is titled  Panther Island Review: No Construction Completed

Read the entire article, but before you do that, here are a couple good paragraphs worth repeating...

The review also says the project is not expected to be completed until 2028, a full 25 years after its inception. For comparison, it took the Walt Disney Corporation six years to build and open Walt Disney World, from 1965-1971.

The TRVA has yet to undergo either a financial or forensic audit of where $383 million in taxpayer funds has been spent. Texas Scorecard will continue to report on details of the programmatic review and how the Panther Island redevelopment boondoggle is affecting taxpayers.

I am really enjoying how it now seems to be the norm to refer to the Trinity River Vision as a Boondoggle. I recollect a decade or so ago seeing myself chastised for suggesting such. I think this chastising took place in a Fort Worth online forum of some sort, a forum dedicated to something oxymoronish, something like Fort Worth Scenic Wonders, or Fort Worth Architecture.

Continuing on, in the comments above we see the Grangers being the ones being chastised as being the culprits responsible, in large part, for Fort Worth being the host of America's Dumbest Boondoggle.

There are a lot of people who think the path to Fort Worth's salvation lies in booting Kay Granger from Congress, and firing her son from the job he has had for way too long with the Trinity River Vision Authority.

I have been getting emails regarding the Boot Kay Granger from Congress Project, and blogged about this a few days ago in Republican Hopes To Boot Kay Granger In 2020 Primary.

That blogging generated the following Anonymous comment about Booting Granger from Congress...

Anonymous said...There is zero chance a Democrat can win in CD12. It’s all of Parker County and a bunch of Wise in addition to downtown and western Fort Worth. The funny thing is Granger basically legislates like a Democrat these days anyway but her constituents have no idea how she votes because she flies so low under the radar.


I suppose the voters of Parker County, and Wise County, are not much annoyed by the mess the Trinity River Vision debacle has made in Fort Worth. And so they are not disgusted by Kay Granger's grifting role in the debacle, or her son's corrupt nepotistic hiring for a job for which he had zero qualifications, and which he has thoroughly botched, for which he is being paid over $200K a year, plus perks and benefits.

Eternal optimist that I be, I am hoping the incoming Blue Wave of 2020 is of Tsunami Proportions, washing the likes of Kay Granger and her cohorts from American politics, in one big flush...

1 comment:

  1. $1.1 Billion dollar project completed in under 3 years. $500 million public money.
