Monday, September 23, 2019

Futile Right Wing Trumpist's Boot Kay Granger Attempt

 A few days ago I blogged in Republican Hopes To Boot Kay Granger In 2020 Primary about a cryptic text message I received regarding an unidentified Republican supposedly about to announce that she or he was going to challenge Kay Granger in the upcoming primary.

And that that challenger was going to make Kay Granger's involvement in the Trinity River Vision mess, which has become America's Dumbest Boondoggle, and her son's part in creating that mess, as being the central focus of this challenger's assertion that Kay Granger needs to be removed from Congress.

I made a couple attempts to get the text messenger to tell me who it was who thought they could un-seat Granger.

I also emailed another person about this, because that person had emailed me weeks ago about his possible Republican challenge to Granger. I emailed this person asking if it was he who I was being texted about.

The reply was that it was not he, and that his attempts to ask fellow Republicans if they knew who this might be came up with no answer. Since I have no known connections to Republicans, I knew no one to ask, other than this guy who emailed me saying he was considering a Republican challenge to Granger.

Then, a day or two ago, that aforementioned emailer who was thinking about challenging Granger emailed me that which you see above. Some sort of announcement by a guy I have never heard of, Chris Putnam, planning a primary challenge to Granger.

In that previous blogging about this I made mention of the fact that I did not know why I was being told about some guy possibly running. I was then told it was hoped I would be supportive. This perplexed me. How would anything I said or did be of any use to a Republican trying to un-seat Granger?

And when I read this Putnam guy's announcement it further perplexed me as to why anyone would think I would think this guy was a good Granger replacement.

I then text messaged the entity who originally texted me about some un-identified person who was thinking of challenging Granger, who supposedly wanted me to know such a challenge was in the works. I asked if it was this Putnam guy and why in the world would anyone think I would think this was a good guy to challenge Granger?

Just the following from the announcement is disturbing, saying Putnam is someone who "will stand with...Trump, protect our border, & defend the sanctity of innocent life. Kay Granger hasn't - I will".

Stand with Trump? Okay, anyone standing with Trump is someone the majority of Americans do not want to stand anywhere near.

"Protect our border"? This is what is known as a dog whistle, heard by the types who are unable to figure out our current president is a moron, with this protect our border dog whistle being shorthand for stopping that imaginary invading flood of illegals marching into America so they can vote and overthrow the government, whilst stealing government services, like food stamps and health care. If you have no awareness that this type nonsense is believed, just listen to right wing hate speech. WBAP radio, if you are in the DFW market.

And then there is this Putnam guy's other dog whistle, "defend the sanctity of innocent life". Right wing Republicans are big on worrying about protecting unborns from being aborted. But, after those unborns are born the right wing Republican concerns mostly disappear. Defending the sanctity of innocent life from automatic rifles is not a concern. Or making sure kids have adequate health care, or mom's get both pre-natal and post-natal care from places like Planned Parenthood.

The following meme, gleaned from Facebook is illustrative of this point...

If this Chris Putnam guy who wants to replace Kay Granger wants to defend innocent life, how many of these other pro-life issues is he supporting?

So, no, I will be of no support to this Chris Putnam guy's attempt to boot Kay Granger.

Quite the contrary...

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