Saturday, September 21, 2019

From Jason & Joey: A Family Loving Mother, Grandmother And Great Grandmother

Above you are looking at me, mom and dad, my siblings and my four nephews, long ago, up near the Canadian border, at Uncle Mel and Aunt Judy's for the annual combo Christmas/Grandma Slotemaker birthday. On the upper left that would be my brother-in-law, Jack, next to Jack is his first wife, my sister Jackie, then sister Nancy, then my Favorite Ex-Sister-in Law, Cindy, next to Cindy is her Favorite ex-Husband, Jake, then me, holding my Favorite Nephew Jeremy (FNJ3). On the lower left that would be sister Michele, next to mom and dad with Favorite Nephew Jason (FNJ) standing in front of me. In front of mom and dad that is Favorite Nephew Christopher (FNC) next to Hank Frank's dad, my Favorite Nephew Joey (FNJ2).

Last night an incoming text message arrived from FNJ2, after I was horizontal for the evening. I got back vertical to read "She was a wonderful Grandma. Henry, Monique and I are thinking about you." This morning when I woke up my computer and checked email the first incoming was from Joey's big brother,  FNJ.

Jason's email included two photos, the one you see above, and another below the email message from Jason. I then found a few other photos, from mom and dad's 50th Anniversary, which are also below. First the message from Jason, then the other aforementioned photos...

FUD --

I received a text about an hour ago from my father informing me that grandma passed away.

Dug through some old photos, and thought I'd share them, although I'm pretty sure you have the same copies.

If I had to summarize anything about Grandma, it would be as simple as this:   Your mom loved her family.

From what I heard, she missed your dad a lot!  I'm looking forward to seeing her and Grandpa reunited in Lynden where it all began many years ago.  A small service at Lynden's Monumenta's Cemetery will hopefully take place.

Until then, I hope they are both sitting in their chairs tonight in heaven, side by side, eating lots of sweets and falling asleep while watching TV.   That would make me happy.

Hope all is well, FNJ.

In the above photo we are at the house I grew up in in Burlington, Washington, getting ready to caravan north to Lynden, for the funeral of Grandma Slotemaker, my dad's mom. Everyone who is in the first photo is also in this one, except for sister Michele, who, if I remember right, was heading north from Tacoma, or maybe Seattle, and going directly to Lynden. I do not remember if this was when Michele was in pre-law at UPS in Tacoma, or in law school at the University of Washington in Seattle. As you can see we are a little older in that second photo than the first.

And then we get even older in the following photos, from August 11, 2001. My birthday, one month before the infamous 9/11. I had driven solo from Texas back to Washington to surprise mom and dad at their 50th party at my sister's in Kent. Jason and Joey were the only ones who knew I was heading north. However, complications arose and neither went with me, as planned, to the anniversary party.

Mom and dad's anniversary is on August 6. But, just like it did on their 40th, the following Saturday turned out to be a better, more convenient day to schedule such a thing, hence it being on my birthday. I remember the 40th one took place on Samish Island.

I am not 100% sure, but I am fairly certain that that 50th Anniversary Party was the last time mom and dad had all their children together at the same time at the same location.

Oops, just remembered, July 27, 2002, the biggest family reunion in our family's history, took place in Lynden. We were all there, along with all the nephews. I shall now go see if I can find the photo taken of all of us on that day. Almost forgot to mention, that is grandma Vera, mom's mom, sitting next to mom, above.

Dad and mom opening cards and presents at their 50th party. I do not recollect myself bringing a card or present, other than myself. I do remember a quick makeshift birthday card given to me that day after my unexpected arrival.

Okay, found the photo which I think may document the last time mom and dad had all their children together at one time at one location. The Lynden Fairgrounds on July 27, 2002.

Behind mom and dad, from left to right, that would be Joey, Jason, Jill, Jake, Jackie, Jack, Nancy, me, Christopher, Michele and Jeremy. Of those in the photo, in addition to mom and dad, Jill is also no longer with us, removed from the family via the divorce method.

I remember on this day, at this reunion, my brother-in-law asked me if I could try and convince my sister that all would work out if she agreed to try something new and move to Arizona. I do remember talking to sister Jackie about the moving idea, but I have no memory of what I said. Apparently I did a good job of convincing, because soon thereafter the move to Arizona was made.

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