Sunday, August 11, 2019

Decade Old Scale Model Trinity River Vision Video Irony

Last night on YouTube, for mysterious reasons unknown to me, a video showed up among the YouTube video recommendations, tailored for my viewing preferences, with that recommended video being over a decade old.

Published by the Trinity River Vision on April 1, 2009.

A decade seems like a long time for a vitally needed flood control project to not have completed that vitally needed flood control project. Which would seem to indicate that vitally needed flood control was not vitally needed after all.

I wonder how all those property owners who had their property taken by the Trinity River Vision's eminent domain abuse feel now, over a decade after their property was taken for the imaginary public good.

One would think an imaginative lawyer could conjure quite a legitimate fraud case against the Trinity River Vision at this point in time.

Below is the dating info from YouTube which accompanied this video.
The video itself seems bizarre after all these years, touting what now seems to totally be imaginary wonders of what any honest person knows is a failed vision.

In the video there is bragging about this scale model of the imaginary island and the diversion ditch being one of the biggest such models ever built.

In the model we see water flowing under what are now known as the Panther Island bridges. The video does not show these bridges as being built upon V-piers. But the video does show the bridge piers in the model, being in the water filled ditch.

And at one point the model demonstrates how those bridge piers are designed not to impede the flow of litter careening down the Trinity River when it is in flood mode. How bizarre.

Also, one can not help but wonder how much was spent building this model of the imaginary wonders of the imaginary flood control plan? Such info is of the sort one hoped would be part of the Riveron Review of the mess which has become America's Worst Boondoggle. But, the Riveron Review turned out not to be any sort of forensic audit.

So, we did not learn how much money J.D. Granger has been paid over all the years he has been Executive Director of this mess. Or how much "extra" money J.D. Granger has been paid past the time such a project should have been completed, if managed correctly, such as what happens in non-corrupt, modern cities in America.

J.D. Granger has actually publicly admitted he plans to stick with the Panther Island gravy train until it is completed, and then retire.

Watch the jaw droppingly embarrassing Trinity River Vision video below. In that video you will see a young version of J.D. Granger, before a decade of boondoggling stress has noticeably aged him...

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