Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Back Biking With MSU Mustangs Considering 1988 Time Travel With Miss Daisy

If I remember correctly a few days ago I mentioned my bike was in malfunction mode due to the pedal crank being noisily cranky.

Months ago, last winter, my bike went through a similar cranky period.

And then suddenly the cranky crank returned to normal.

And stayed in that normal state until the day after a severe night time thunderstorm a week or two ago, a thunderstorm which poured down some rain.

The morning after that storm my bike was still wet, even though it is safely anchored, undercover, overnight. And riding the bike that same morning was when the crank returned to being noisily cranky.

Then a few days ago, after several days of the temperature being well north of 100 I decided to see if whatever had made my bike cranky had somehow dried up and gone away.

And so it did. And I have been enjoying HOT bike rides ever since, including today's which included a stop at the MSU fountain.

To the right of where my handlebars are located above is the new MSU Mustangs I visited on Saturday at their newly installed location by the soon to open Centennial Hall.

After the above fountain drink break I rolled over to that aforementioned newly installed Mustang location.

You can not quite make it out, due to my inferior photography skills, but the small pond in which the Mustangs are stampeding has now had water added, with the fountains in burble mode. The cyclone fence construction barrier has now been removed, replaced my regular ol' 'DANGER' tape.

Let's zoom in and see if I can get a better picture of the Mustang stampeding over the burbling fountain.

There you go. This would be a much better photo if that traffic cone had not intruded.

Prior to exiting air-conditioned comfort for a HOT bike ride, Sister Jackie called with a report on how Miss Daisy is doing. I do not recollect mentioning that Miss Daisy has moved to a new location, still close to Sister Jackie, but no longer in Sun Lakes.

Miss Daisy is gradually adjusting to her new surroundings, and enjoying the time travel machine which came with the move.

Yesterday Miss Daisy spent several hours back in 1988, babysitting her grandsons, Christopher and Jeremy, before returning to 2019 to watch a Little League game on TV with dinner.

Sister Michele will be using conventional air travel means to fly south on Friday to see Miss Daisy at her new location. I do not know if Miss Daisy is planning on taking Michele anywhere interesting in her new time travel machine...

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