Saturday, March 7, 2015

This Morning I Decided To Adopt A Fort Worth Drain Instead Of A Cat

Incoming email this morning from Elsie Hotpepper.

Subject line: Adopt-A-Drain Fort Worth

Opening the email I found one of Elsie Hotpepper's favorite catch phrases "What fresh hell is this?" followed by a link to that about which Elsie Hotpepper was asking her hellish question.

That being a link to a website advertising the Tarrant Regional Water District's latest product, that being the aforementioned Adopt-A-Drain Fort Worth.

I have been thinking about getting a pet. Maybe a cat. Now I'm thinking adopting a drain might fulfill my pet needs.

On the screen cap above you can see all the drains available for adoption in my neighborhood. I chose the drain closest to my abode to adopt, something called a Curb-Box Drain: IN012987.

It only cost $30 to adopt a Fort Worth drain. That is way cheaper than getting a cat vaccinated and neutered.

In addition to the $30 one must also take the Adoption Pledge----

By adopting this storm drain, I pledge to follow the motto, "Don't Trash Your Trinity" and I promise to abide by the following principles:

I will not litter anywhere
I will not dump anything down a storm drain
I will do my part to keep plastic bags and styrofoam out of the river
I will clean my adopted storm drain(s) when conditions are safe and contact the phone number on my drain(s) when maintenance is needed.

I read the above pledge and thought to myself does not the majority of the population already follow those principles? Except for the last one?

I can not help but wonder how much this latest TRWD product cost to produce. The website is quite well done, what with its drain selection and adoption process.


  1. You should adopt a drain near the Trinity River Vision's downtown offices. They are in the same building as the Star Telegram I think.

    A plaque is placed on or near the drain with your organization's name on it.

    I can imagine JD Granger or Dud Kennedy looking for the name on one of the plaques and seeing Durango Texas on it. The sight could very well send Dud into a sammich eating frenzy.

  2. They need campaign funds...

  3. Love the post, funny stuff. Did you read the FAQs or are you just hell bent on always feeding the conspiracy theory? LOL.

    "All proceeds from Adopt-A-Drain Fort Worth go right back to supporting the infrastructure costs associated with the program."

    I'm not one that thinks everyone and everything is on the level, but it seems legit. Lots of cities have this program to my knowledge.
