Thursday, February 12, 2015

A Botched Albertsons ATM Heist Soon Had Me Chasing Puerto Rican Floor Monkeys

Around noon I walked over to Albertsons hoping to find this week's Fort Worth Weekly.

I was barely in the door when I found FW Weekly, along with Miss Puerto Rico removing money from an ATM.

Miss Puerto Rico did not see me come up behind her. Even so, jabbing a finger in her back, hoping to replicate a pistol barrel, along with the demand that she hand over the money yielded zero loot in my first ever robbery attempt.

Instead I soon found myself going on a roller coaster ride in Miss Puerto Rico's 4 wheel drive vehicle known as a Jeep. During the course of the roller coaster ride Miss Puerto Rico told me her baby floor monkeys missed me after so greatly enjoying me taking care of them for a week, a week or two ago, whilst Miss Puerto Rico was visiting the island for which she is named.

So this afternoon, needing a break from the relentless task of editing 387 webpages, adding code like  to make a non-mobile friendly website into a more mobile friendly website, I hiked over to Miss Puerto Rico's for a visit with the baby floor monkeys who had been missing me.

I was greeted at the door by the baby floor monkey now known as Bella, who quickly ran away. I found her sister, now known as Stella, on her favorite bed perch.

Previously Stella had been the difficult to corral kitty, but today Stella seemed quite happy to have me pick her up for some heavy petting, sufficient enough to put her in full bore purr mode.

I took the picture you see above of the beautiful blue sky view from Miss Puerto Rico's balcony, said goodbye to the baby floor monkeys, remembered to set the alarm, and then returned here where I am now going to return to being an HTML code monkey....

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