Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Spencer Jack Staying Cool By Speeding Around Jones Island With His Dad

This morning in my email inbox I found a couple emails from Spencer Jack's dad, one of which had a subject line of "Circling Jones Island with Spencer Jack."

The text in the "Circling Jones Island" email said...

Spencer Jack and I rented a boat today in Deer Harbor. Circled Jones Island, witnessing up close many Sea Otters playing just like us in the PNW summer sun.

The "Circling Jones Island" email also included a video, which I YouTubed and you can view below. In the video Spencer Jack and his dad are boating at high speed on water out in the San Juan Islands zone.

Eventually Spencer Jack docked at Deer Harbor on one of the San Juan Islands, I assume. It's been a long time now since I lived in Washington and I am starting to forget place names. Like yesterday when I read that two men had drowned at Pilchuck Falls I did not remember Pilchuck Falls correctly, confused that falls with Granite Falls.

Anyway, below Spencer Jack is visiting the Deer Harbor Post Office.

Yesterday my old home zone had a record breaking temperature for July 1.

92 degrees.

When I walked out of the Dallas Cowboys stadium yesterday the temperature was 96 degrees.

Most people in Western Washington do not have air-conditioning in their homes, because there rarely is a need for chilled air. When it gets HOT in Western Washington a lot of people seek relief by heading for a beach. In Western Washington there are hundreds of miles of beach, due to there being hundreds of miles shoreline, along bodies of water of both the saltwater and freshwater sort.

In Western Washington if you don't want heat relief of the beach sort you can drive a few miles east and get way above sea level on these things we don't have at my location in Texas called mountains. On July 1 it is very easy to find snow still being chilly in the Cascades.

In addition to there being no mountains available at my current location, my current location also does not have hundreds of miles of beach available.

We do have a cooling off venue called the Trinity River where every Thursday hundreds of desperate to be cool sorts get in the river in something called Rockin' the River Happy Hour Inner Tube Floats. There is a plan to turn the location of the Rockin' the River Happy Hours into a little lake. That plan is now well over a decade old, with no lake currently anywhere near being seen.

The water Spencer Jack and his dad are speeding on is not a manmade body of water. It's a work of nature....

1 comment:

  1. deer harbor is on the west side of orcas island in the san juans. doe bay, naturally, is on the east side, not far from olga, where your cuz lived after he was born in bellingham...
