Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Spencer Jack And Girl Friend Brittney's Home Away From Home At An Unknown Location

What you are looking at on the left arrived in my email inbox last night. I did not see it til this morning.

All the text in the email said was "Our Home Away From Home."

I think I can deduce, from the photo evidence, that Spencer Jack is camping with his favorite girl friend, Brittney, and his dad.

My best guess, due to the somewhat primitive look of the campsite, is that Spencer Jack is camping somewhere in the Mount Baker Snoqualmie National Forest. That forest covers a large area, with dozens of campgrounds.

I am pretty much 100% certain that Spencer Jack did not take his camping entourage to Eastern Washington, due to the fact that that side of the Cascade Mountains is currently burning with the largest wildfire in Washington state history.

Over 300,000 acres.

Tootsie Tonasket is daily reporting extreme smoke at her location in Eastern Washington in the Okanogan Valley.

It pleases me to learn that my favorite nephew, Jason, is continuing the family camping tradition. When I was a  kid we pretty much went camping somewhere every weekend of summer.

My favorite camping location was in Eastern Washington.

Sun Lakes State Park.

At my current location in Texas I can drive hundreds of miles in any direction with the scenery and climate not changing all that much.

As a kid, going from Western Washington to Eastern Washington, it seemed like the other side of the mountains was a totally different world, what with Western Washington being a marine climate conducive to growing all things green, including moss, while Eastern Washington is pretty much a desert, for the most part.

A desert which is largely irrigated and thus also grows green things.

I wonder if Spencer Jack has taken his dad and Brittney to Sun Lakes yet? I recollect once driving over to Sun Lakes with my sister and favorite nephews, Chris and Jeremy, to surprise favorite nephews, Jason and Joey, who were pseudo camping in a cabin. That does not seem all that long ago, but it was.....

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