Monday, July 14, 2014

Feeling Like 106 In Fort Worth But Looking Much Younger

Yesterday the local official temperature monitoring monitor monitored a temperature which hit 100 for the first this year in Fort Worth and environs.

Yesterday my computer and phone temperature monitoring devices did not indicate we'd  hit the 100 mark.

That has changed today, with my computer based temperature monitoring device telling me we are being heated to 101, with those 101 degrees really feeling like 106.

That's HOT.

My old home zone is also having a heat wave, on both sides of the mountains, with the east side of the mountains, as in east of the Cascade mountain range, the temperature being hotter than I am in Texas, with Tootsie Tonasket reporting sweltering at 104 yesterday.

Tootsie Tonasket's air-conditioner is currently not working up to its usual cooling capacity.

Eastern Washington is different from Western Washington in many ways, one of those ways is most people in Eastern Washington have homes cooled by air-conditioning, while most in Western Washington don't.

Western Washingtonians, such as Sampson and Delilah, in Kent.

Kent is a suburb, southeast of Seattle. Sampson and Delilah spent the day yesterday cooling in their neighbors above ground emergency pool. And then with the interior of their house too HOT, Sampson and Delilah spent the night in their RV, which has air-conditioning.

Sampson and Delilah have vowed to have their house converted to being air-conditioned by the time next summer's short heat wave hits Western Washington.

You always hear a lot of Western Washingtonians make that  "I am getting air-conditioning" vow, and then three days later when the heat wave causes a cooling mass of marine air to blow in from the Pacific, the HOT misery is quickly forgotten.

Til the next time.

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