Friday, May 16, 2014

Spencer Jack's Aunt Clancy & His Namesake Getting Married On A Washington Beach Saturday

Fancy & Clancy Spencer or Jones
On a date which may live on in infamy, Saturday, May 17, 2014, on a secluded beach somewhere near Hoodsport on Hood Canal in Washington, my Great Nephew Spencer Jack's Aunt Clancy is currently scheduled to be getting herself hitched to Spencer Jack's namesake, Fancy Spencer.

The guest list for the Fancy Clancy wedding is quite exclusive.

Spencer Jack's dad called me a couple days ago to inquire as to what I knew about this Big Event. I told Spencer Jack's dad (at that point in time) I pretty much knew nothing about it.

Spencer Jack's dad assumed his and Spencer Jack's invitation to what may be Washington's Wedding of the Year, was lost in the mail.

Lost the same way my invitation was likely lost.

Now I have learned, via my confidential sources, that it is about a 5 mile hike, in and out, to get to the location where the Fancy Clancy nuptials will take place. I do not know if the entire wedding party must hike in, or perhaps some will be delivered by boat.

I really can not imagine this pair of blushing brides doing a 5 mile hike in their wedding dresses. Then again, they will likely be wearing hiking boots, even though they will be in wedding dresses, because wearing hiking boots is part of their signature look from which they never deviate, no matter what the occasion.

It was from my aforementioned confidential source that I acquired the photo of the brides-to-be you see above. I assume the brides-to-be hired the services of a professional wedding photographer, judging by the high quality of the photo.

I have also been told that on Saturday I likely will be sent photos of the Fancy Clancy wedding, and maybe video, possibly sent, via phone, as the event unfolds.

My confidential sources do not know if the newlyweds will be known as Fancy & Clancy Spencer, or Fancy & Clancy Jones.

My confidential sources also do not know where the newlyweds will be honeymooning. I suspect an RV will be involved, but no guess as to where that RV will be rolling.....

UPDATE: Just received a photo from Spencer Jack and his dad of Fancy on the beach at the wedding rehearsal for tomorrow's Big Event. It appears Fancy got new hiking boots for the occasion.


  1. Is Fancy marrying Clancy for her money? Don't mean to be rude but Clancy looks old enough to be Fancy's grandmother.

  2. Miss Bad Manners, if anything you have got it backwards, except for the grandmother part.

  3. Please excuse the impertinence, but I see no resemblance in the second picture to any person, attire or bouquet in the first picture. I hope you are not being led down the primrose path by Fancy or Clancy in an attempt to extort wedding gifts. I'm only concerned for you

  4. Prairiepaintbrush, I excuse your impertinence. I can assure you that that is Fancy in both pictures. I think in the formal wedding photo Fancy may have been in heavy makeup, with her hair freshly styled. No worries about wedding gift extortion. It is well known that I am not a gifter.....

  5. Wow, no stereotypes here. Hiking boots. Is the wedding party outfitted in flannel shirts?
