Friday, May 23, 2014

Rolling My Wheels On Gateway Park's Mountain Bike Trails Before Getting Ribbed At Town Talk

Today I was back rolling my bike's wheels again. This time at Gateway Park.

Yesterday when I blogged about Fun Town in the River Legacy Park's mountain bike trail maze I mentioned the first steep drop-off one comes to whilst pedaling the Gateway Park trails.

That would be the aforementioned steep drop-off my handlebars are pointing at in the picture.

Why is it a photo of something steep never looks steep when it is a photo I have taken?

When one zips down this particular drop-off ones speed rapidly accelerates. I saw a guy have a spectacular wreck at this location several weeks ago due to that rapid acceleration of speed thing.

One reaches the bottom of this steep drop-off and then pedals like a bat out of hell so as to make it up the steep climb which one quickly comes to.

My first couple attempts zipping down and then up at this location ended in failure on the uphill part, forcing an emergency jumping off of the bike.

A sign one comes to when one makes it to the top of the steep climb, lucky to still be rolling, is a sign stuck on a fallen log advising that one should go slow. As if there was any other option.

Can you see the SLOW sign above? I rode the section that comes after the SLOW sign twice today. It's the funnest, most difficult section of the trail.  Maybe a half mile of an up and down, twist and turn, two wheel roller coaster ride, before exiting, via shortcut, to the paved trail.

After I was done with Gateway Park, since I was in the neighborhood, I continued on to Town Talk.

I'd not been to Town Talk for a couple weeks. The checkout girl had noticed my absence, saying something like "you've not been in for awhile."

It's nice to be missed.

I got some good stuff today, including a slab of pork ribs for barbecuing on Monday, three already smoked,  ready to eat half chickens, broccoli, extra sharp cheese, ginger, jalapeno sausage and other stuff I am forgetting right now.

All this food talk is making me hungry, and so I think it is time for lunch.

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