Thursday, May 1, 2014

Benbrook Citizens Think My TRWD Facts Lack Can Be Explained By Me Being From New York City Or Austin

This morning when I woke up my computer and checked my email I saw I had a blog comment from someone calling themselves BENBROOK CITIZENS.

 Benbrook is a Fort Worth suburb.

That is the comment you see in the screencap of my email.

I read the comment and could not tell if BENBROOK CITIZENS was serious, making a joke or trying to be ironic, what with the comment seeming to be insipidly stupid in support of the insipidly stupid majority of the TRWD Board.

The comment from BENBROOK CITIZENS was in regards to my blogging about Tuesday's censure by the TRWD Board of fellow board member, Mary Kelleher.

First I will try and translate BENBROOK CITIZENS comment and then I'll share BENBROOK CITIZENS comment in its entirety...

We have never heard of you before, but we think your ignorance may be explained by you being from either New York City or Austin. If you weren't ignorant you would know the TRWD operates not only in Fort Worth, and that not all of Fort Worth is in the area served by the TRWD, and you would know that  for eons the TRWD has supplied water and water storage for the TRWD District.

Not until Dallas conspired to elect Mary Kelleher to the TRWD Board has the TRWD Board ever had the need to censure anyone. If BENBROOK CITIZENS were a voting member of the TRWD Board they would vote to kick Mary Kelleher off the board because of her violation of open records laws which are punishable by removal and imprisonment.

Just watching the video of the meeting BENBROOK CITIZENS are sure this bad behavior by Mary Kelleher has happened more than once, so the board has not talked about certain issues in Mary Kelleher's presence. This type thing is what happens to a good group of good people when you bring in bad people from Dallas. This is sad, but true.

Okay, now the untranslated, unedited original comment from BENBROOK CITIZENS.....

BENBROOK CITIZENS has left a new comment on your post "Today Mary Kelleher Received The Badge Of Honor Of A TRWD Board Censure While Censuring The Board Herself":

never heard if you before but if you are from ny and live in austin you might be excused for you lack of facts. number one is trwd is not only in ftw and for a fact not all of ftw is in the trwd. for a long long long time trwd has supplied wholesale water and storage for their district. 

no until the dallas money backed or purchased the election for this woman has their ever been a problem like this. if i were a voting member of that board i would vote to kick her off because violation of open records laws are punishable by removal and imprisonment.

and just watching this i am sure that this has happened on more than one occasion, or they have not talked about certain things in her presence. i would not trust her at all. this is what happens to a good group when you bring in people from dallas. sad but true. 

Well, really what can I say here that you have not already thought to yourself?

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