Friday, March 7, 2014

Rolling My Wheels In River Legacy Park With Miss Puerto Rico In The Air

Those are my handlebars pointing at a fork in the trail on Arlington's River Legacy Park's mountain bike trail.

To the left is the North Loop, to the right is the North Loop Bypass. I opted to skip the bypass and headed north.

Yesterday I had a chilly bike ride on Fort Worth's Gateway Park's mountain bike trails. Today's bike ride was not chilly.

My phone told me the temperature was 62 when I started rolling my wheels today. The temperature is currently 67. Another cold front is on the menu for tomorrow, with possible thunder booming and rain.

Miss Puerto Rico is currently in the air, on the way back to Texas from her home island. I suppose I should go check on the cat one more time. The beast is an eating machine. I would not want Miss PR to arrive home to find an empty cat food bowl.

Earlier today I blogged about a blog comment I got from a Texas native about Washington and my old hometown of Mount Vernon. About a minute after I hit the publish button on that blogging I saw incoming email from Spencer Jack's dad, my nephew Jason.

Prior to the incoming email from Jason I had done my daily quick check of Facebook to see that Jason had added me to his timeline, I think the word was timeline, as his nephew. I am almost 100% certain Jason knows I am his uncle, not his nephew.

The email from Jason contained material that will need to be broken in to two subsequent bloggings, one of which has to do with the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle.

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