Friday, March 7, 2014

Fifth Circuit Agrees to Hear Appeal Regarding Suit Against the Tarrant Regional Water District

A few minutes ago I got email from someone who prefers to be Anonymous who I will refer to as EH.

The cryptic message in the email said "I was told to get this to you."

"This" refers to an attached document in docx format, titled "03 07 14 Fifth Circuit Appeal Release".

I used Google Drive to open the document to learn that the Fifth Circuit of the U.S. Court of Appeals has granted a hearing request concerning the suit against the Tarrant Regional Water District.

The TRWD Board has been trying to extend the terms of its elected members beyond the maximum four year term allowed by the Texas Constitution by refusing to hold elections in 2014.

That is the document in screen cap form you see above. You can click it to enlarge and read. I was unable to convert the .docx document into text easily copied into another editable format, such as this blog, or even a simple text editor. The formatted document you see above, when copied, turns into a mess of double spaces that would take way too long to render back to the readable form you see above.

Two potential TRWD Board candidates are mentioned in this press release, Melissa McDougall and Craig Bickley.

The two potential TRWD Board candidates are quoted in the document sort of summing up the issue of the TRWD's election thuggering....

We continue to have faith that the voters and taxpayers of Tarrant County will be heard,” said Melissa McDougall. Craig Bickley added, “We must band together to end the cronyism, corruption and irresponsible spending, eminent domain abuse, secret meetings and no-bid contracts.”

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