Saturday, February 15, 2014

Dallas & Fort Worth's Trinity River Vision Boondoggles

I know Fort Worth propaganda-izing history revisionists claim that the Fort Worth Trinity River Vision was coming into view before the Dallas version of the Trinity River Vision.

However, it was soon upon my arrival in Texas, in late 1998, that I became aware of the fact that Dallas voters had approved a Trinity River Vision Plan.

I think it may have been as late as early in the next century I was surprised to see a big headline on the front page of the Sunday edition of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram trumpeting something like "Trinity Uptown To Make Fort Worth the Vancouver of the South."

Huh? I remember saying to myself. It was not long before the "Vancouver of the South" propaganda was dropped.

Til this morning I did not realize the extent to which Dallas and Fort Worth are still sharing mutual Trinity River Visions, both of which, in various ways, are in boondoggle mode.

This morning, in the Dallas Observer print edition, in a blog article titled Dallas' Incredible Shrinking Lakes I learned that the Dallas' Vision's lakes, which I previously thought were big, have shrunk to pond size, just like Fort Worth's Trinity River Vision's little pond.

Below is part of what you will read in the Dallas Observer's Dallas' Incredible Shrinking Lakes article...

White Rock Lake, just for grins, is 1,015 acres. Based on what I heard yesterday, the Trinity River lakes we voted for in downtown in 1998, when finally built, will be one lake, 20 acres, 10 feet deep.

Oh, and the money for it is mostly gone. Even to dig the 20-acre thing -- pretty much what people in West Texas call a cattle tank -- the money will have to be filched from other accounts.

But the money for that toll road on top of the river, the one that will cut off downtown from all the parks they're supposed to build? Goin' strong. Don't worry about that money, man. It's in the bank.

Those are the main take-aways from a City Council committee meeting yesterday on the status of the Trinity River project. Yeah, 20 acres, a lake small enough that it could be closed by one family with diarrhea, not to be gross about it, but you get what I mean. Not a lake. A pond. In July a body of water that small and that shallow in downtown Dallas Texas is basically a saucepan.

May I share with you the part that I found sort of hilarious? Originally we were supposed to have more like 300 acres of water in three small conjoined lakes along the Trinity, but you have to remember that those lakes were designed in two phases.

First they were designed on a napkin by a political ad agency in 1998 trying to think of some shit they could put in the TV ads to get people to vote for a toll road that nobody needed or wanted. In the second, later design phase, the lakes were redesigned by former Dallas Observer columnist and Mayor Laura Miller for something she called "The Balanced Vision Plan," evoking a quality for which she was not known here.

Since then, according to yesterday's briefing before the council's Transportation and Trinity River Project Committee, some actual engineers have been looking into it, and they found out four things:

1. The old bridges across the river have piers that sit on mud instead of going down to bedrock, so if you dig out a lake around them the bridges will fall down (not good).
2. If the lakes get any closer to the river than 200 feet, the federal government will require the city to build actual dams between the lakes and the river at huge expense (not possible).
3. If you dig deeper than 10 feet anywhere in the river bed, you punch through the clay cap and get into sand, and all the water will leak out as fast as you put it in (shit).
4. There's no water anyway. The river doesn't have enough water in the summer; the lakes will evaporate; you have to fill them from water wells; the wells cost $1 million apiece.

1 comment:

  1. Gee, if the Super Collider had planned a lake in the middle with a little island zoned mixed use, with groovey bridges crossing the lake, with a toll road built to it so people could get there, added an ice skating rink, a wake board park, a funky music venue, used the local water treatment plant for a swimming' hole... We might have had something that would have guaranteed world class notoriety. And even a benefit to humankind.
