Sunday, February 2, 2014

A Cold Super Bowl Sunday In Texas

As you can see via the view from my computer room window the predicted cold predictably arrived overnight, along with a slight amount of drippage which dripped slightly on me this morning during my Super Bowl Sunday hot tub hydrotherapy session.

I can definitely tell there has been a huge diminishing in the mountain cedar pollen, or whatever it has been which has made me allergically miserable, off and on, the past couple weeks.

This morning my respiratory system seems to be just about back to what I think I remember normal being.

Speaking of the Super Bowl. And who isn't? Yesterday I mentioned that I'd never seen Town Talk busier, with the parking lot being a traffic jam and inside the store being a human traffic jam of stalled shopping carts. Late Saturday afternoon I went to ALDI and Walmart and found both stores at a day before Christmas level of busy.

This morning, on Facebook, I learned that this Super Bowl shopping frenzy is not just a Texas thing, but also happened yesterday up in my old home state of Washington.

Sampson, of the infamous Sampson & Delilah duo, posted the following comment on Facebook....

I have never seen soooo many people in the grocery stores. We went to QFC which is always a nightmare, then Safeway, at least they had more checkers than QFC, then we went to Costco...believe it or not, they had the least people! Love seeing all the Seahawk attire every where!

Sampson & Delilah live in Kent. Kent is a Seattle suburb about 20 miles south of where the Seattle Seahawks play football when they have a home game.

One of Sampson's Facebook friends followed up with another shopping comment...

We went into Fred Meyer this afternoon and there were no grocery carts in the store!! Crazy!

Fred Meyer is an enormous combo department and grocery store. It'd be like a Super Walmart or a Super Target running out of shopping carts.

A few years ago Portland based Fred Meyer was taken over by Krogers. On a visit back to Washington, earlier this century, I was appalled the first time I was in a Fred Meyer after the Kroger takeover, to find that Fred Meyer had been Kroger-ized. A grocery store being Kroger-ized is not a good thing, in my opinion.

My Super Bowl Party starts at 5. If you RSVPed, I'll be expecting you. Don't be late.....

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