Sunday, January 5, 2014

Miss Anonymous Suggests I Brave The Outer World Frigidity To Skate On Thin Ice

On the left you are looking at what my computer based weather monitoring device had to tell me soon after I woke up my computer this morning, soon after the sun arrived to perform its currently sort of futile heating duty.

29 degrees with a howling wind from the Northwest making it really feel like 10 degrees.

Getting in the hot tub this morning for my daily hydrotherapy session was particularly soothing by the time I reached the heat after getting refrigerated by the howling wind.

This morning's incoming email included one from someone who always insists I refer to her as Anonymous if I blog anything she tells me.

Miss Anonymous had this to tell me this morning....

If you get out you should swing by the TRV Ice rink. The description I heard last night widely varies from the one the local press keeps promoting. I was told by normal people who wanted to go but changed their mind about it when they saw the rink. Said it was VERY small and melting. If you fell, you would for sure be all wet. How fitting. 

The TRV Ice rink to which Miss Anonymous refers is the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle's Coyote Drive-In Panther Island Ice Rink, with that ice rink being a key element in the TRVB's ongoing flood control efforts, along with the world's first drive-in movie theater of the 21st century and the TRVB's summertime Rockin' the River Happy Hour Inner Tube Floats in the pristine Trinity River.

I am guessing that the "normal people" to whom Miss Anonymous refers may have visited the Panther Island Ice Rink yesterday, when the temperature got into the 70s,  which likely caused some ice melting issues. I suspect that if those same "normal people" checked out the ice rink today they would find it frozen, but still VERY small.

I have only attempted ice skating once. It did not go well. Since that singular experience I mastered roller blading, so maybe ice skating would go better for me. But, I have no desire to test the current state of my ice skating ability on the thin ice of the Panther Island Ice Rink.

Speaking of Panther Island. Is there any mechanism in this non-democratic part of America for a voter to use a petition to get an issue on a ballot?

Now that you are making me think about it there are a lot of issues I would like to see on a Fort Worth/Tarrant County ballot, before putting naming a non-existent island "Panther Island" to a public vote...


  1. Panther Island Ice closes for the season on Jan 5, 2013 at 2300 hours. That's today.

  2. Two weeks into winter and this frozen flood control operation closes for the season? Why?

  3. Texas does not have Initiatives or Referendums. The Republican Party supported getting this, but have gotten strangely silent on the whole subject as they gained power. Maybe it'll get "hot" again if Wendy Davis became governor.

  4. See this link. TRV escapes by not being Fort Worth which is a home rule city.

  5. Steve A, I had no idea til reading the I & R Institute link that the lack of this basic citizen power at the ballot box option had been an issue in Texas for so long. I remember being perplexed when first experiencing Texas elections as to why there was so little to vote on, compared with the elections I was used to in Washington, what with no Initiatives and no Referendums on the Texas ballot.

  6. It is definitely a dinky rink.
