Tuesday, January 7, 2014

A Relatively Balmy Walk Around My Industrial Wasteland Fort Worth Neighborhood Worrying About Elsie Hotpepper And Her Fingerless Gloves

My Neighborhood Industrial Wasteland's
 Big Chesapeake Energy Signage
Being relatively balmy, as in balmy relative to yesterday morning's 3 degrees, the current 41 degrees, had me thinking this would be a perfect day for my weekly inspection of the industrial wasteland I call home.

And so in the noon timeframe I had myself a mighty fine walk around my neighborhood, without the need to be excessively encumbered by excessive outerwear.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the D/FW Metroplex, I have read reports that Elsie Hotpepper is currently shivering while typing whilst keeping her fingers partly warm with fingerless gloves.

I have requested photo documentation of Elsie Hotpepper's current homeless bag lady fingerless glove look, to thus far be met with refusal to provide the requested photo documentation.

It is sort of ironic, is it not, to be shivering cold with a last name like Hotpepper.

When I walked by my closest Chespeake Energy Barnett Shale Natural Gas Fracking Operation, on the north side of Boca Raton Boulevard, with Albertsons behind me on the south side of the street, I noticed that the cold air was making whatever it is which spews from whatever the mechanical device is that has been running for months, cause its mysterious exhaust to be more noticeable than when the air is warmer.

Whatever the mechanical exhaust spewing device is it makes a motor type noise, which was slightly drowned out when I was in picture taking mode by the natural powered engine of the Fort Worth bus which had stopped at the bus stop behind me.

I really think all the gas fracking companies who have turned Fort Worth into the world's biggest experiment in urban gas drilling should provide natural gas, for free, to Fort Worth, to run the buses. And then greatly reduce the bus fares.

Is it not time the long suffering citizens of Fort Worth derive some benefit from much of their city being turned into an Industrial Wasteland?


I think the worst of the North Texas participation in the Great Polar Vortex Deep Freeze of 2014 is over.

With the Deep Freeze over I am hoping I will feel like continuing my much needed hot tub hydrotherapy in the morning.

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