Sunday, November 17, 2013

Record Breaking D/FW Temperatures Render Multiple Pleasant Benefits

My No Longer Cool Pool On Sunday November 17
Record breaking temperatures the past day or two in the Dallas/Fort Worth zone, as in record breaking of the HOT, not cold type of record breaking, has rendered my formerly cool pool not so cool.

In other words I had myself a mighty fine swim this morning of lengthy duration with no warm-up retreats to the hot tub.

I think the high yesterday was somewhere in the 80s. When I woke up my computer this morning the computer based temperature monitoring device informed me that the outer world was being heated to 67 degrees, just an hour after the sun had arrived to begin its daily lighting and heating duties.

I got myself plenty of aerobically induced endorphins via swimming this morning. Even so, a return to the Tandy Hills on such a pleasant Sunday is an inviting idea. Or a walk with the Village Creek Indian ghosts. Or just not drive anywhere and instead take one of my semi-regular walking inspections of my neighborhood...

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