Thursday, October 31, 2013

No Scary Weather For Halloween In North Texas

The weather predictor's predictions for yesterday at my location on the planet pretty much did not play out as predicted.

I was almost 100% certain we were in for some BIG storming yesterday, what with the forecast of t-storms, damaging winds, large hail and possible tornadoes.

Yesterday I saw no flashes of lightning, heard no thunder booms, saw no downpours, saw no hail bouncing on the ground, experienced no damaging winds and did not hear the tornado sirens blaring.

What I did see yesterday was a Pacific Northwest type mild rain, with a few moments of going from mild to light, with the dripping lasting a couple hours.

Reading the local news this morning I saw no mention of flash floods or any storm related news.

So, did this predicted storm miss all of North Texas?

I do not recollect in times past in Texas the weather predictors missing the mark as frequently as what seems to be happening of late. Is this a function of the changing weather patterns with the old model for the old weather patterns no longer being predictably reliable?

And now blue sky has returned, hours ahead of its predicted return, which portends well for the Halloween trick or treaters tonight....

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