Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Walking Around Fosdick Lake With My Mom Thinking About Doing The Puyallup

It seems as if it has been weeks since I've driven to Oakland Lake Park to walk around Fosdick Lake.

As you can see, Fosdick Lake is looking very serene today.

My mom went walking with me today around the lake.

Walking with me via a phone connection.

Real walking is still not working all that well for my mom as the recovery from knee surgery continues.

According to my mom today is my nephew David's birthday. I think this would be birthday number 5. My Arizona sister, she being David's aunt, and another of David's relatives, known as BS, is taking David to the State Fair of Washington today.

The State Fair of Washington, prior to this year, was known as the Western Washington State Fair.

Or The Puyallup.

I suspect most Washingtonians still refer to this fair as The Puyallup.

Pew-el-up is how Puyallup is pronounced for you Texans who never learned to speak Indian.

Speaking of speaking Indian. I made a curry chicken vegetable concoction for lunch today.

So I think I'll go have myself some Indian vittles now....

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