Monday, September 30, 2013

The Quileute Tribe Has Me Thinking About Installing A No Trespassing Sign For The Caddo Nation In Arlington's Village Creek Natural Historical Area

Yesterday Mr. Steve A. caused me to virtually visit a town on the west side of the Olympic Peninsula in the state of Washington called Forks.

Forks gets a lot of rain. Something like, on average, 212 days of rain a year. I have moteled, over night, in Forks on two occasions, both dry, but one time cloudy, with the other clear blue sky.

This century Forks became known world-wide due to movies I have never seen which have the word "Twilight" in the title.

Virtually visiting Forks led me to virtually visit the nearby village of La Push. I have gone hiking in the La Push area. The beaches in the La Push zone have some of the iconic Washington Pacific Ocean scenery.

When I Googled for La Push images I came upon the above sign. La Push is the largest village within the Quileute Indian Reservation.

Yesterday I went walking with the Indian ghosts in Arlington's Village Creek Natural Historical Area, where the native peoples were forcibly removed from their land.

In Washington, and other states, some native peoples still have their villages intact, and have control over their Tribal lands and so are able to post signs such as you see above.

However, some Pacific Northwest tribes met the same fate as the Village Creek tribes. Chief Joseph and the Nez Perce come to mind

I doubt Arlington's Village Creek Indians had posted any signs informing the incoming Texans they were not authorized to access Village Creek Tribal Lands and if they did so they would be prosecuted and their horses towed.

When you cross the San Juan River, at Mexican Hat, in Utah, into Arizona, you soon come upon a large sign informing you that you are entering the Navajo Nation, where you are required to obey Navajo law, including continuing to wear your seatbelt.

In Texas, near the Mexican border, there is a town called Eagle Pass. Near Eagle Pass the Kickapoo Tribe operates the Kickapoo Lucky Eagle Casino. I have never been to Eagle Pass or the Kickapoo Lucky Eagle Casino, so I don't know if when one visits that area one sees a large sign informing you that you are entering the Kickapoo Nation.

All this Indian talk is making me want to make Navajo fry bread for lunch. If only I knew how...

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