Thursday, September 19, 2013

Shocking Revelations Regarding Rockin' The River Happy Hour Inner Tube Float Fecal Matter E.Coli Cancellations

Unbeknownst to many, a couple days ago, for the first time in history, a meeting of the formerly secretive operation known at the Tarrant Regional Water District Board was streamed live over the Internet for the viewing of those who use non-Apple products.

At this meeting the TRWD's newest board member, Mary Kelleher, suggested that it might be a good plan to spend some money studying how it might be possible to make the Trinity River a cleaner body of water suitable for recreational use, saying ,"Since we are inviting people to get in and tube in the river, shouldn't we make sure it's safe?"

Mary Kelleher buttressed her suggestion with the apparent fact that twice the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle's Rockin' the River Happy Hour Inner Tube Floats have had to be cancelled due to elevated E.Coli levels.

In other words, too much fecal matter in the water.

The General Manager of the TRWD, Jim Oliver, then said he was unaware of any fecal matter related floating closures.

This had Jim Oliver's TRWD Assistant Manager, Mr. Thomas, informing the TRWD Board and the public attending the meeting and those listening on the Internet, that elevated E.Coli levels had, in fact, necessitated the canceling of the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle's Rockin' the River Happy Hour Inner Tube Floats.

Now, what I am appalled by is the following....

How can it be that two of the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle's Rockin' the River Happy Hour Inner Tube Floats have been canceled due to the river being dangerously polluted with E.Coli without this being major news in any of what passes for Fort Worth's news sources?

Did the Fort Worth Weekly not know of the E.Coli caused Trinity River Vision Boondoggle's Rockin' the River Happy Hour Inner Tube Floats cancellations?

No one really expects the Fort Worth Star-Telegram to act like a real newspaper, but really, even though the Star-Telegram is not a real newspaper, is this not some sort of journalistic malpractice not to inform the locals that the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle's Rockin' the River Happy Hour Inner Tube Floats had to be canceled because too much fecal matter had been detected in the river?

Does this mean that on other days, when the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle's Rockin' the River Happy Hour Inner Tube Floats have been allowed to float, have the fecal matter levels been not quite high enough to present a public safety issue?

Should not the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle's Rockin' the River Happy Hour Inner Tube Floats floaters have the right to be informed, prior to getting in the Trinity River, what that day's E.Coli fecal matter levels are?

This is all very appalling and very perplexing for multiple reasons....

1 comment:

  1. A germane question woul be why Jim Oliver was so clueless about something he SHOULD know...
