Friday, September 6, 2013

September 28 Josh Fox Brings Myth Piercing Fracking Documentary "GASLAND 2" To Fort Worth's Ridglea Theater

High Priority incoming from Don Young which says it is for Immediate Release, which I guess means right now....

Working Films Reel Power - Earthworks' Oil & Gas Accountability Project - Texas Drought Project - North Central Texas Communities Alliance - FWCANDO and director, Josh Fox, bring myth piercing documentary on fracking, "GASLAND 2", to the historic Ridglea Theater in Fort Worth.

Director, Josh Fox and other stars of the film will be in attendance.

September 28, 2013
Program begins at 7:00 pm. (doors open at 6:00 pm) Admission is FREE. Donations are welcome.

The anti-fracking movement that is reinvigorating environmentalists worldwide has its roots in Fort Worth, Texas. Fort Worth was the first large city in the country (maybe the world) to allow this dirty, dangerous and controversial process of extracting natural gas and oil from the Earth. was the first website devoted to urban gas drilling and fracking. Dirty Ol' Town, the first documentary short film on the negative impacts of fracking in the Fort Worth area, was produced by FWCANDO in 2006. Fort Worth is also the site of the first public protest against fracking in an urban area (coincidentally on 9/28/2005) and also the site of the first anti-fracking art show.

These are a few reasons why Josh Fox began filming the Academy Award-nominated documentary film, GASLAND, in Fort Worth in 2008. The film helped spark an international movement to ban fracking that is growing daily and inspiring people and organizations like few other environmental issues ever have.

I am pleased to co-host this film for and with my fellow north Texans. Don't miss this rare opportunity to see it on the big screen in the city where it all began.


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