Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Looking At The New York City World Trade Center 9/11 Memorial Has Me Pondering The Last 12 Years

Twelve years ago, today, I looked on in horror at the New York City location you see above.

How can it be 12 years since I got a phone call telling me that the World Trade Center had been hit by a plane? The caller was calling from Dallas. I knew the caller was calling from the area of the Dallas World Trade Center. I assumed it was a plane taking off or landing from Love Field that had hit the Dallas World Trade Center.

Then I turned on my TV to see the second plane hit the second World Trade Center tower in New York City.

I watched in appalled shock for several minutes and then I realized I should start  waking people up on the West Coast to tell them to turn on their TVs. When asked what's happening I did not tell those I called that America was under attack, I just said you need to turn on your TV.

I had been back from a roadtrip to Washington a week when September 11 became yet one more American date which will live in infamy.

That 2011 roadtrip to Washington is the last time I have roadtripped back to my old home zone. From the time of my move to Texas in 1999, til 2011, there had been 4 roadtrips back to Washington. And none since 9/11.

I do not like to fly, but all trips back to Washington since 9/11 have been airborne. Once in 2002, three times in 2004, once in 2005, once in 2006 and once in 2008.

By 2013 it has become much less expensive to fly to Washington than to drive there. Prior to 9/11 it was less expensive to drive. But, the cost of a trip to Washington was never the factor that determined the means of motion. I greatly prefer a 3 day roadtrip to a 3 hour plane ride.

So, I really am at a loss as to understanding how it is that 9/11 put an end to my roadtripping north. But, apparently it has.

9/11 changed way too many things in America....

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