Sunday, September 1, 2013

A Lounging Mom Call Thinking About A Town Too Mean For Bean While Being Gar The Texan's Nemesis

I did not feel like driving anywhere to go on a walk, hike or bike ride this HOT first day of September. I had myself plenty of aerobic stimulation via the swimming method this morning.

So, I walked up to Albertsons to get this week's ink edition. On the way back to my abode I called my mom and had myself a mom chat whilst lounging on a lounge poolside.

I'd not called my mom since she got back home from her recent knee surgery ordeal. Mom was sounding very perky. Painkillers may have been enhancing the perkiness.

After mom was done talking to me I made my way back to my computer where I found I'd received an email from a S.Wolfe at informing me I needed to make an entry about the West Texas town of Sanderson on my Eyes on Texas website. I looked up Sanderson to learn it is known as the Cactus Capital of Texas and the Town Too Mean  for Judge Roy Bean. The Too Mean for Bean thing sealed the deal. I'll webpage this town.

After checking on Sanderson I checked on my blogs and saw that Gar the Texan has blogged about his remarkable resemblance to current day David Cassidy and James Bond.

I also saw that Gar the Texan had previously blogged about my new Durango World blog.

That is a screen cap from Gar the Texan's Gar's World blog, above. Even though Gar the Texan's Gar's World blog has a black color scheme it is not an adult material oriented blog, even though Google AdSense banned him for inappropriate adult material.

In part the following is what Gar the Texan had to say about my new Durango World blog....

A couple of weeks ago, my blogging mentor and nemesis, Durango, decided to create a Durango World blog. At first I thought he was joking. I thought perhaps he was just coming up with something to belittle my new blog title.

Well, he's finally started writing and I must say: I like the Durango World blog more than I do his Durango Texas blog. I read post after post today without slowing down or growing bored. I even felt inclined to comment a couple of times, but I decided to write my own post instead.

I don't know how much he actually reads my posts but he took one of my little asinine spoutings and spun it into gold with this particular post about Obamacare.

Anyway, come to my little blog site once a day, look on the right column and click on Infamous World of Durango. I'm quite impressed, but don't tell him that.

The main thing I got out of what Gar the Texan has to say is feeling shocked that he finds himself slowing down and getting bored when reading my Durango Texas blog. That and he thinks I am his nemesis. That really shocks me.....


  1. Thanks to your comments on Gar's comments on your commentary, I just learned you have a new blog. I like it -- you're becoming quite the philosopher, Durango. Maybe the S-T can give you a column next to Bud Kennedy's?

  2. Thanks for liking it, Mr. G.

    I don't know if could find enough room to be next to Mr. Kennedy.
