Saturday, August 3, 2013

Who Is Covering Up Who Stayed In The TRWD Hunting Preserve's Cabin?

This morning I found an extremely interesting tidbit of info in a Fort Worth Star-Telegram article posted Friday, Aug. 02, 2013 titled Tarrant water district’s use of private camp on public land draws questions.

First the last 5 paragraphs from the article and then I'll tell you what I found so interesting....

Kelleher, the challenger who received more votes than anyone on the ballot, said she will continue to press for the board to be more transparent about its money and its property.

Giving the public a closeup view of the hunting camp, she said, is a start.

“I just want it to be acknowledged that a deer hunting camp does exist,” said Kelleher, who proposed that the land use be reviewed periodically.

For example, Kelleher said she was glad to know that visitors are required to sign in and out of the cabin on a log book, which was placed on the dining table during the Star-Telegram’s visit last week.

On that day, however, the book contained only blank sheets.

Mull that last sentence, above, over.

"On that day, however, the book contained only blank sheets."

The log book being referenced can be seen in the picture at the top, sitting on a table inside the TRWD Hunting Preserve's cabin.

Enlarging the image of the logbook I can make out some of the words on the cover, as in "EVERYONE MUST SIGN IN AND OUT ANY SEASON."

On the cover "EVERYONE" is surrounded by quotation marks, signifying, it would seem, the significance of everyone signing in.

And yet all the pages in the log book are blank.

Now, let's think about why this TRWD Hunting Preserve is controversial. The assertion has been that the TRWD Board Members have used this public land as their private preserve.

But, the veteran TRWD  Board Members claim they have never used the TRWD Hunting Preserve, claiming it is a perk for the benefit of TRWD's employees. With those employees being who paid for the TRWD Hunting Preserve's various features, with no public funds spent on public land that the public is forbidden to use.

So, why are there no log-ins in the TRWD Hunting Preserve log book, which insists "EVERYONE" must sign in?

Could it be that a check of some of the names which were in that now blank log book would quickly be found out not to be TRWD employees or other approved users of the TRWD Hunting Preserve?

For example, did the guys and gals in Marty Leonard's Sensible Shoe Society Club spend a weekend hunting deer whilst staying in the cabin?

Did a group of Jim Lane's cronies have themselves a mighty fine time staying in the TRWD Hunting Preserve cabin?

Did Jim Oliver let some friends and family use the TRWD Hunting Preserve cabin?

What names were in that log book that necessitated it being wiped clean? Who turned all the log book pages blank? When did this page blanking occur?

Is there a record at TRWD Headquarters of who has used the TRWD Hunting Preserve cabin?

Who, besides the TRWD board members and Jim Oliver, would have any cover up interest in removing the list of names of who had used the TRWD Hunting Preserve cabin?

Like I already said, extremely interesting.

1 comment:

  1. I see no mention of the use of district machinery to cultivate a plot of deer feed corn on the grounds. The whole deer camp issue is a tempest in a teapot but it is indicative of the many problems at the TRWD and just a little bit easier for the average citizen to comprehend the waste and good-old boy cronyism running rampant at the palace on the river.
