Sunday, August 11, 2013

Video Of The Lee Harvey Oswald Gravesite With Nick Beef

Today I was motivated to drive myself to Shannon Rose Hill Cemetery to shoot some video of the location of the Lee Harvey Oswald Gravesite, along with his grave buddy, Nick Beef. My webpage about the Lee Harvey Oswald Gravesite had been getting a lot of visits the past day or two, so I thought I'd do some webpage augmenting with a YouTube video.

That augmenting plan went badly awry. For the most part.

I used my antique Canon camcorder to shoot the part of the video where I was driving into the cemetery and then making my way to the Lee Harvey Oswald Gravesite location. I arrived, stepped out of the vehicle and then could not find the gravesite.

I turned off the camera and then found the gravesite and then recreated my arrival.

When I got back to my video processing location I saw that I'd not actually aimed the camera at the headstones, while my words were indicating we were looking at them.

That mistake proved irrelevant, because my computer refused to recognize the camera device when I attempted to get the video on to my computer.  It'd been awhile since I'd plugged in the firewire to download a video from that particular antique camera. Of late I've been using my digital camera to take video when I felt the need to do so.

That digital camera takes better quality video. So, I had used it to recreate the part of the grave search where I arrive at the location. Which is what you see in the video above.

But, my intention had been to show how to find the Lee Harvey Oswald Gravesite, from the entry to the grave.

My good intentions go awry with alarming frequency...

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