Thursday, August 15, 2013

Pedaling Gateway Park To The Flotsam Of Trinity Falls On The Trinity River

Trinity Falls
I figured the Gateway Park mountain bike trails would not be suitable for rolling over due to a downpour or two that poured down water in the past couple days.

However,  I felt the need for bi-pedaling speed, so I drove myself to Gateway Park to park and pedal on the paved trails which are not affected when rain pours down.

I left Gateway Park at one point and saw City of Fort Worth workers working to get flotsam and jetsam out of the Trinity River that had back up behind Trinity Falls.

A lot of flotsam in the form of floating litter was swirling at the base of Trinity Falls. Why does this flotsam swirl around instead of simply continuing its journey to its destiny of eventually littering the Gulf of Mexico?

After an hour of pedaling, give or take a minute or two, since I was in the neighborhood, I stopped in at Town Talk. I had a good reason to stop in at Town Talk. I needed cheese and yogurt. So, I got Swiss Cheese and Mango Yogurt. Along with some other stuff.

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