Thursday, August 22, 2013

Looking For A Missing Pink Poodle & Chinese Buffets With BBQ Chicken Pickled Ginger Pizza

Today I did not feel like driving anywhere to get myself some endorphin inducing aerobic stimulation, via walking, hiking or biking, due to the fact that I got myself plenty of endorphins mountain biking yesterday and this morning, swimming, before dawn til well after the sun arrived.

I needed an item one gets at a grocery store, so, with Albertsons being across the street, I walked there, but not fast enough to induce any endorphins.

On the way to Albertsons I came upon a missing poodle poster tacked to a pole. The photo of the missing poodle makes her appear to be pink, but the description says she is golden light brown. Maybe she looks pink in certain types of light.

Miss Puerto Rico refused to eat at a Chinese food buffet across the street from the pink poodle poster because she was convinced this restaurant was responsible for the area's missing dogs. Miss Puerto Rico is prone to irrational thinking and superstition. I think this may be a relic of her years of being an island girl.

The Chinese food buffet Miss Puerto Rico refused to eat at has been out of business for a year or more. This restaurant was originally called Super Asia Buffet, then around the time the Super Bowl came to town, well, the town to the east, the Super Asia Buffet changed its name to Super Bowl Buffet.

Very clever. And now it's gone.

The Super Bowl Buffet was my favorite Chinese food buffet of all those I have been to in the Dallas/Fort Worth zone.

A few weeks ago I realized I currently know of no Chinese food buffets. The original one I discovered soon after moving to Texas, the Great Wall in Bedford, has been closed for a long time.

A few years ago another Chinese buffet opened in Bedford, which I liked, but can not remember the name of. It closed soon after the economy tanked in 2008.

On Sunday I noticed that the Chinese buffet which opened a few years ago next to the Walmart Neighborhood Market in Pantego is no more. I never sampled that one.

There must still be Chinese food buffets in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. Unknown to me.

All this Chinese food buffet talk has made me hungry. Time for lunch. BBQ chicken pickled ginger pizza. I'm experimenting...


  1. Perchè non fate analizzare il cibo dei fastfood cinesi???? Così tutti sapranno cosa cucinano!!!

    Comunque voi americani non sapete cos'è la PIZZA!!! soprattutto quello che si chiama Buddy (torte) che infanga la reputazione della VERA CUCINA ITALIANA!!!! quando leggo come mangiate mi sento male, altro che cucina italiana... bleah!!!!

  2. google traslatore is live "our" pizza = FA SCHIFO

    Mr Buddy (boss of cakes?) is NOT able to cooking italian food !!!!

    cheneese food is for CHECK IN to a LABURATORY... ok now???

    Let's pray for a correct traslation.
