Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Elsie Hotpepper's Artist's Rendering Of Rockin' The Trinity River With Pigs

Elsie Hotpepper sent me the above, minutes ago, telling me it is an artist's abstract rendering of the Last Trinity River Vision Boondoggle Rockin' the River Happy Hour Inner Tube Float of the Year.

Is that the title of this beautiful piece of art?

Last Trinity River Vision Boondoggle Rockin' the River Happy Hour Inner Tube Float of the Year.

That is a very long title.

I know slides down the Trinity River levees were part of this year's Trinity River Vision Boondoggle 4th of July Pproduction.

Along with the spectacular setting on fire of sections of the levees for the pyrotechnic entertainment of the assembled masses.

I have no idea what this artist is trying to represent by having a bunch of pigs wallowing in the Trinity River.

Very perplexing.

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