Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Due To Wind I Did Not Have A HOT Walk Around Fosdick Lake Today

On the left you are looking at the August 6 noon view of Fosdick Lake in Oakland Lake Park with the humid air heated to 96 degrees, with that humidity making that HOT air really feel like 102.


But, a strong wind was blowing across the lake, which had the air not feeling even remotely close to 102.

I don't think the weather condition informers factor in the wind chill when the heat index is calculated.

In other words, I had myself a quite pleasant walk around Fosdick Lake today.

Whilst I walked I called my mom and dad to wish them a Happy 63rd Anniversary. I got the answering machine.

When I arrived at Fosdick Lake the ducks were no where to be seen. I was concerned. However, eventually I found the ducks at the south end of the lake, the opposite location from where the photo was taken atop Fosdick Dam.

The ducks were cooling off in the water, under the shade of a waterside tree.

I said hello to the ducks. But, they ignored me.

Usually I get a quack or two....

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