Friday, July 5, 2013

Walking With The Fosducks Thinking About Going To Tomorrow's Tacoma Wedding Of The Century And The Olivergate Scandal

The idyllic scene you are looking at, in the picture, was seen by me a couple hours ago at Oakland Lake Park.

The body of water is Fosdick Lake.

No one has ever been able to locate Oakland Lake in Oakland Lake Park.

Today the Fosducks were being shade seeking ducks. The Fosducks were not being skittish today, cooperatively posing, rather than quickly waddling to the water.

The turtles, however, were being excessively skittish today. I think, what with the turtles being reptiles, that they get more frisky when their blood gets HOT. Today I startled a big turtle of a different brand than the ones I usually see in Fosdick Lake. The big turtle was out of the water, but ran into the lake and disappeared before I could get my camera out of its pocket.

A month ago if you'd asked me where I was going to be today I would have likely said I would be in Washington.

Tomorrow, the Tacoma Wedding of the Century takes place.

I am usually expected to make a surprise appearance at such events, what with my well known penchant for surprise appearances. But, for this event I was told I had to precisely indicate whether or not I would be in attendance, with no surprises tolerated.

Apparently the caterer needed to know exactly how many slices of pizza to make.

I had made most of the arrangements necessary to enable being an unexpected wedding guest. I'd arranged airport pickup, a place to stay, transport, and other things I'm likely not remembering right now.

But, it was not to be. So, tomorrow, likely to my everlasting regret, I will miss the Wedding of the Century.

I'll go to Town Talk instead.

And on a totally different note, go to  the Star-Telegraph, note I typed Star-Telegraph, not Star-Telegram, to read an editorial from the Fort Worth Business Press regarding the TRWD Olivergate Scandal titled Outrageous. Infuriating. Unacceptable.

What is also outrageous, infuriating and unacceptable is the fact that the Fort Worth Star-Telegram has printed nary a word about the TRWD Olivergate  Scandal.

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