Saturday, July 13, 2013

Rare Meteorological Phenomena Possibly Bringing Record Breaking Cold & Rain To North Texas

When I saw my computer based weather monitoring device flashing red I clicked it and saw the graphic you see on the left, indicating that starting tomorrow, that being Sunday, that the Extreme Exceptional Drought area indicated by a yellow dotted line is going to have some rain falling in the green zone of the drought.

The text coming from my computer based weather monitoring device said, in part....

While high temperatures are forecast to eclipse 100 degrees in places from Texas to Kansas Saturday, temperatures will only top out in the 70s and 80s in much of this same area from Sunday through Tuesday as a storm system approaches from the east.

Not only will this storm bring an end to the streak of 100-degree temperatures for places such as Dallas, it will also bring much needed rainfall to the Plains states. According to the U.S. Drought Monitor, much of the region is suffering from extreme to exceptional drought.

Initially, the heaviest rains will be focused from central Oklahoma into north-central Texas on Sunday with a separate area of rain developing across the mountains and I-25 corridor of Colorado. This area will quickly expand to the south and west to include central and West Texas, New Mexico and the mountains of Arizona from Monday into Tuesday.

After reading what my computer based weather monitoring device had to say I checked to see what the Texas Storm Chasers are saying about this incoming weather event in an article titled....

Widespread Rain Event Starts Tomorrow!

When we talk about July in Texas, most folks think of heat, humidity, and the occasional afternoon spent by the pond or pool. That mindset is going to change dramatically tomorrow when a rare meteorological phenomena occurs. The jetstream, which rolls upper level disturbances into the area, is draped up across the northern plains of the United States and Canada. In this scenario, we would usually hot and dry conditions. However, something very unusual is occurring in the atmosphere which will bring a unseasonably high chance of rain and possibly record-low temperatures to parts of Texas by Sunday and Monday.

Click the link to read the rest of what the Texas Storm Chasers have to say about this rare meteorological phenomena.

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