Monday, July 15, 2013

Keeping It Real Without Being A Cruel Maui Cabana Boy

This morning I saw that which you see on the left on Facebook, brought to my eyes by Miss Sampson.

I really have only rarely slightly disliked anyone who I thought was jealous of me.

It never occurred to me that those legions of people who are jealous of me feel that way because they think I am better than them.

This was all new enlightening information for me.

Speaking of making people jealous.

Miss Sampson and her BFF, Delilah, are flying to Maui in November for an extended stay. Sampson and Delilah think it would be a good idea to take me along to be their Cabana Boy.

I am seriously considering this Maui Cabana Boy proposal. I am awaiting further details as to what it, exactly, is that a Cabana Boy does. Is cleaning fish, cooking and window washing involved?

In the last 24 hours I came upon another good quote, but I don't remember where it is I saw it....

'All cruel people describe themselves as paragons of frankness.'
Tennessee Williams

I read the above quote just about the same time I was pondering the ironic fact that the most cruel person I have ever known often complains of others being the most cruel person she has ever known.

This particular cruel person also advertises her false pride in what she thinks is her outspoken frankness. This particular person, in outspoken frank mode, is usually being judgmental and tactless and stupid.  And, like I already said, cruel.

I have seen this cruel person put a false spin on one of her outspokenly frank episodes that then has people who don't get what a cruel, tactless, stupid person she is, praising her for "keeping it real."

One can keep it real without being cruel. I am a paragon of that particular virtue.....


  1. No one is jealous of you, no one.

    We so love to know of your pretend vacations and adventures. Good luck with that.

  2. Anonymous sounds jealous to me.

  3. That Anonymous person seems to be a judgmental, tactless, stupid, cruel false paragon of frankness of the sort of which you speak.

  4. Petunia, that Anonymous comment showed up at the same time a HUMONGOUS Tacoma Monster showed up on my blog stats. So, yeah, your assessment is accurate.

    Accurate and amusing.

  5. Mr. Durango, I don't think that first Anonymous one was able to understand you were using hyperbole to be amusing. In other words, Anonymous is sense of humor challenged in addition to being judgmentally stupid. I think I will be Anonymous 2.

  6. I think I like this post best of any you have done.. Quoting T.W..wonderful. getting that instant reaction from "anonymous"...priceless..

  7. I think I will be anonymous 4 and say I think it sad that that anonymous jealous monster is spending time on your blog instead of spending all the time she can with her terminally ill husband.

  8. The anonymous tacoma monster suggesting you go on pretend vacations and adventures. Do those include free plane trips to Phoenix for lunch?

  9. Ha. Good one latest Anonymous.

  10. confused in TX

    I am not jealous, Durango, but I am certainly confused with your basket of anonymi...

  11. Well.. I can answer that one. NO one wants the behavior pointed their direction. Some know of it and choose to not get it directed their way

  12. i think it interesting how many people know who and what you are talking about with you not providing all that many clues. seems she can not stop herself from reading your blog then commenting even though it never seems to go well for her. I guess I will add to the pile of anonymouses. anony mouses! we're all mouses not wanting to get bit by a rat!
