Wednesday, July 31, 2013

I Was A Hot Mess In North Texas Ignoring A Heat Advisory & Air Quality Alert

I drove to my neighborhood Walmart Supercenter around 4 this afternoon. At that point in time the temperature was not over 100, except for the Heat Index version of the temperature.

On the way to Walmart the air-conditioning part of my motorized vehicular transport made a disturbing noise. The temperature quickly rose.

By the time I made the long 3 mile trek to the Walmart parking lot I was a HOT mess, rushing inside Walmart to get cooled.

I got what I was getting at Walmart and then left the Walmart air-conditioned comfort to return to the outside furnace.

I started up my motorized vehicular transport, began moving, turned on the A/C and felt cool.

Even though I felt cool, after I turned on the A/C, I was still a HOT mess by the time I made it back to my abode.

And now, coming up on 7 in the evening, we are being heated to 101, with the Heat Index feeling like 107.

But I am no longer a HOT mess, because A/C is blowing cold air directly on me....

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