Saturday, July 20, 2013

Feeding The Fosdick Ducks Before Getting Swiss Cheese From Switzerland

By the time the noon time frame arrived I decided to opt out of my regular Saturday bike ride at Gateway Park.

One reason for opting out of bike riding was I don't think there have been enough dry days to dry out the mountain bike trails from the recent deluges.

That and the air in the outer world is being HOT.

HOT and humid.

I got myself plenty of ultra wet humidity this morning, swimming with Miss Puerto Rico.

I prefer to swim solo, but sometimes one must compromise and not get what one prefers.

Prior to my regular Saturday treasure hunting at Town Talk I opted to substitute biking Gateway Park for a walk around Fosdick Lake in Oakland Lake Park so I could give the Fosducks a gourmet treat in the form of big chunks of whole wheat bread.

What lucky ducks.

After feeding the lucky ducks it was on to Town Talk for the aforementioned treasure hunting.

Today's Town Talk treasure hunting was pretty much a bust. Except for a case of blueberry Siggis yogurt, I got nothing else memorable.

Just remembered, I also got some actual Swiss cheese from Switzerland....

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