Monday, July 8, 2013

A Picture Of My Mom At Tacoma's Wedding Of The Century

On Saturday, I was being emailed pictures from Tacoma, pre the Tacoma Wedding of the Century. I was sure I would be being emailed pictures, live, as the wedding ceremony took place.

However, that did not happen. Instead there seemed to be a blackout of Tacoma Wedding of the Century information. I got calls about the wedding, before the wedding, but none after the wedding.

This led me to wonder if the Tacoma Wedding of the Century had turned in to a Runaway Bride situation. Or some other calamity, like I wondered if the relative some of us refer to as "BS" created a troublesome scene that spun the Tacoma Wedding of the Century out of control.

Well, today, via my cousin Jeff, I saw 35 photos of the Tacoma Wedding of the Century. Including the picture above of Spencer Jack's dad walking my mom to her seat. In the foreground is my sister who lives in Arizona, CJ & JR's mom. I am not certain, but I think that may be my favorite Aunt Arlene sitting next to my sister.

Most of the people I saw in cousin Jeff's pictures I did not recognize. It has been over a decade since I have seen some of these people.

All in all, after viewing cousin Jeff's pictures of the Tacoma Wedding of the Century, I almost feel as if I was there....

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