Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sunday Morning Thunderstorm Flash Floods Arlington's Village Creek While Elsie Hotpepper Goes Missing Again

This morning a thunderstorm was booming before the sun arrived to light up the second Sunday of June.

Rain was raining down on me when I went swimming this morning, soon after the arrival of the sun.

At my location this morning's rain did not rain down in heavy downpour mode.

At noon I headed to one of my regular outdoor locations, that being Arlington's Village Creek Natural Historical Area. Upon arrival at my regular parking location on Dottie Lynn  Parkway I was surprised to see the parking lot gated shut, with a "Closed Due To Flooding" sign.

So, I drove to the Interlochen zone, where one can enter the Natural Historical Area from the east, and where Village Creek is very close to the road, unlike the Dottie Lynn Parkway location. There have been previous times where one could access the park from Interlochen, when the Natural Historical Area is closed due to flooding.

But, not this time, as you can see via the picture above, with Village Creek flooding over the dam bridge.

The pair in the picture were contemplating crossing, but as I stood there talking to them a couple big chunks of wood floated by, which provided good evidence that it was not safe to try and cross the flooding creek.

Changing the subject from one flood to another.

Elsie Hotpepper has been missing since Friday. I sent out a BOLO (Be On Look Out) this morning. Calls to Hotpepper Headquarters go to voice mail.

I am almost 100% sure that Elsie Hotpepper is fine, maybe off having herself some fun in a tropical location. That has been the explanation, previously, when Hotpepper has gone missing.

Then again, there is some cause to worry, due to the fact that it is a fact that Elsie Hotpepper does have some involvement with some Fort Worth nefariousness. The 7th Street gang comes to mind.

I suspected something was up with Elsie Hotpepper on Thursday when I got multiple messages with cryptic requests, all of which I was able to take care of, except for maybe one that confused me.

I guess I will give it another 24  hours before I call the Fort Worth Police to report a missing person....

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